
  • Unit 26scenario n.剧本的情节;电影剧本 [It(SCENA)]scent n.气味;嗅觉 [ME sent schematic a.概要的;图式的 [schema n.轮廓;概要;略图]scheme n.计划;企划;组织 [L schema schism n.分派;派系;分裂[ME...

  • perfidy n.背信;不诚实 [L perfidiaperforate v.穿孔;贯穿;打孔 [L perforare(PER-, forare pierce) perforat n.钻孔]perforce a.必需地;必然地 [ME perfume n.芳香;香味;香水 [F parfum, ...

  • pecuniary a.金钱的;金钱上的 [L pecuniariuspedagogue n.教师(常含蔑视之意) [ME pedant n.迂儒;拘泥形式的人 [F pedant pedestal n.雕像等的台架;基础 [F piedestal pedestrian a.徒步的;散文体的;通俗的...

  • parch v.使焦干 [ME perch, parche, PARCHED<地面等>干透的,焦干的 The ground was ~ 地面干透了]paregoric n.止痛药;缓和剂 [LL paregoricus的皮]pariah n.被社会遗弃者 [Tamil paraiyar ...

  • palatial a.壮丽堂皇的 [L(PALACE)]palaver a.空谈;闲谈;奉承 [Port palavra word palette n.调色盘 [F, dimin of pale shovel pall v.使生厌 [The novelty will soon ~ on them 那...

  • Unit 21orientation n.适应(环境);指导 [app orifice n.口;孔;洞 [F orison n.祈祷 [ME ornate a.装饰华丽的 [ME orotund a.宏亮的;夸张的 [L ore rotundo with rounded mouth]orphan n...

  • [ME infamous a.恶名昭彰的;不名誉的 [ME infamy n.恶评;丑名infer v.推论 [L inferre(IN-, ferre bring)]infernal a.地狱的;恶魔似的 [ME infidelity n.无信仰;背信;通奸 [E infinitesimal a....

  • incumbent n.在职者;教区牧师 [L incumbere lie upon(IN-, cubare lie)It is ~ on (upon) you to answer his question 你 有责任回答他的]问[题] the ~ mayor 现任市长incurable a.不能医...

  • incarnation n.具体化;化身 [ME incendiary n.纵火者;煽动者 [ incense n.v.香气;奉承;使发怒incentive n.刺激;诱因;动机 [ME incessant a.不绝的;不断的 [F incessant or LL incessans(IN-, ce...

  • impious n.不敬的;不孝的 [L impius(IN-, PIOUS虔诚的)]implacable a.难和解的;难平息的 [ME implant v.灌输;嵌入;移殖 [F implanter or LL implantare engraft(IN-, PLANT)]implement v...