
  • 51.There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ________ from fall to winter.▲A.transmission ×B.transformation ...

  • 41.For many patients,institutional care is the most ________ and beneficial form of care.(重复98年的考题)A.pertinent 相关的 中肯的B.appropriate 合适的▲C.acute 敏锐的 急性...

  • 61.This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important _________ of American lige.A.fashions 加了s 表示时尚B.frontiers 前线 前沿C.facets 宝石的刻...

  • 50.It took us only a few hours to _________ the paper off all four walls.A.shear 剪羊毛的大剪子B.scrape 刮 擦 清除C.stroke (strike 过去分词) 击打D.chip 削chop 砍answer:B...

  • 41.The Space Age _________ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.A.initiated(initial 起初的 开始的,initiative...

  • 61.We rarely perceive more than a minute _____ of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs; the great majority pass us by.A.fiction 虚构的 捏...

  • 51.Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really __________ of the reality that they represent.A.reflections 反映,表现,影响,(水中的倒影)B.demonstration...

  • 41.The directions were so ____ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.A.ingenious B.ambitious 野心勃勃得(形容人的) 形容(idea plan)宏大而艰苦的C.notorious 臭名...

  • 61.While nuclear weapons present grave ________ dangers, the predominant crisis of over population is with us today.A.inevitable 肯定如此的 千篇一律的 不可避免的B.co...

  • 51.There was once a town in this couontry where all life seemed to live in _______with its surroundings.A.coincidence n 一致 巧合 (coincident adj 同时发生的)B....