61.This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important _________ of American lige. A.fashions 加了s 表示时尚 B.frontiers 前线 前沿 C.facets 宝石的刻面,事务的不同方向 ×D.formats 格式公式 file 文件 档案 answer:C 62.Parents often faced the _________ between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness. A.paradox 似是而非的 矛盾的 悖论的 B.junction 交汇之处 C.dilemma 进退两难的境地 D.premise 前提 between……and…… answer:C
63.Clark felt that his _________ in one of the most dramatic medical experiments of all time was worth the suffering he underwent. A.apprehension 领悟 忧虑 B.appreciation C.presentation D.participation 参加(四级) the underwent 经历 answer:D
64.As one of the youngest professors in the university , Ms King is certainly on the ________ of a brilliant career. A.threshold 门坎(四级) B.edge C.porch 门廊(欧式建筑) D.course Miss = Ms 英语语体学中:未结婚的用Ms Miss 表示提醒你还没有嫁人呢,我有机会么?你这么开放呀?27岁以上的女人不要用 answer:A
65.The ________ lawyer made a great impression on the jury. A.protecting 保卫 B.guarding 保镖 ▲C.defending (Defence Ministry 国防部) defending lawyer 辩护律师 D.shielding 保护(shield 盾牌) answer:C
66.Very few people understood his lecture,the subject of which was very _______. A.dim 光线黯淡的 记忆模糊的 B.obscure 晦涩的 难懂的 C.conspicuous 交通标记明显的 D.intelligible 容易被人理解的 answer:B
67.This movie is not _______ for children to see; it contains too much violence and too many love scenes. A.profound 深奥的 难懂的 深刻的 B.valid 合法的 有根据的 符合逻辑的 C.decent 合适的 适合的 体面的 (indecent) D.upright 诚实的 公正的 answer:C
68.The wood was so rotten that,when we pulled , it __________ into frogments. A.broke off 折断 (拉树枝,拉下来一部分,这部分碎了) B.broke away 逃脱 C.borke through 突破 强行通过 D.broke up 破碎 折断(全部都碎了) rotten 腐朽 【恨谁对谁用rotten】 You are a rotten dancer.跳舞很屎 You are a rotten teacher.教的很烂 means 卑鄙无耻的 You are a means teacher.不顾及人权的老师 【女生对男生说:“你这个死人,我把你的头从你身上拧下来”用brake off 拔出手枪把头轰掉:broke up】 answer:D A
69.The detective and his assistant have begun to ________ the mysterious murder. A.come through B.look into (into 进入中心) C.make over D.see to answer:B
★70.Sadly, the Giant Panda is one of the many species now in danger of ________. A.extinction (2000年的致爱) B.migration 迁徒 C.destruction 家世 血统 D.extraction answer:A