
  • 1.While in the past universities have often focused on student social life and attractions of the university town in recruitment campaigns, they are n...

  • 今日口语计划: 热点话题素材:购物图片陈述According to the chart, it is clear that online shopping is more and more popular among people. As early as 2001, the volume of o...

  • 今日口语计划: 热点话题素材:学习图片陈述From the picture, we can see that a little boy is facing four high mountains of education, which indicate the education system of...

  • 今日口语计划: 热点话题素材:互联网图片陈述As is vividly illustrated in the picture, the boy has got addicted to the Internet regardless of the thirst, the hunger or even ...

  • 今日口语计划: 卡片陈述10大模板模板一From my point of view, (论点). First of all, (理由1). (证明理由1). Besides, (理由2). (证明理由2). Last but not least, (理由3). From what has been ...

  • 今日口语计划: 热点话题素材:大学生活图片陈述As is shown in the picture, a college student is just slipping away from the classroom, with the teacher still teaching heartil...

  • 在最后的备考时刻,与其不停后悔之前“时间都去哪儿了”,不如深吸一口气,利用好剩下的时间,认真训练,深度消化。根据小编出分日统计的数据,在10000名受访者中,逾七成都是提前一个月动手复习四六级的。怎么样? 瞬间满血原地复活状?其实这三十天之内,只需要认真做两件事:背单词和做真题。第一部分:缩小单词背...

  • 今日口语计划: 问答模板句式70个1. 提出观点In my opinion, ...Personally, ...From my point of view, I think/believe/hold...My view is that...As for me, I would like to......

  • 今日口语计划: 自我介绍10大模板模板一Hi! My name is (姓名). I come from (学校), majoring in (专业). Generally speaking, I’m a hard-working person especially when doing what ...

  • 大家好,一年一度的双11即将来临,天猫的出的数学题,你们都算清楚了吗?身为教育届大佬旗下的阁主,也不甘落后,根据各个学霸的反馈,给大家整理了年度7大热门好课。优惠规则清晰易懂:5折抢学,所有课程优惠截止11日晚24点!当然,阁主推荐的课程全部性价比超高,适合大学生购买,让你不用剁手,轻松学英语!  ...