
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情




今日口语计划: 热点话题素材:学习


From the picture, we can see that a little boy is facing four high mountains of education, which indicate the education system of China. As we all know, education plays a very important role in a country. So it is very important to provide a good education and easy-learning surroundings for every member of our society.

But what should we do? I think the best way is to develop the quality education to release the learning pressures on students. To realize this goal, we should take some effective measures. In the first place, we should break the traditional education system. Schools should change teaching concepts and improve teaching methods to facilitate the development of students’ interests and help them to form a good habit of learning on their own. In addition, the relevant authorities should strengthen their management to insure the healthy development of education. 


1. Would you like to say something about your university?

I am a student of Jilin Normal University, which has a long history. It gradually developed into a comprehensive university with generations of efforts, especially after the reform and opening-up. Various research institutes were set up. I’m really thankful to my college for enriching my knowledge.

2. Could you sum up your own study habits briefly?

Of course, I think there are three points about my study habits. Firstly, I usually go to bed early and get up early so as to keep myself energetic. Secondly, I pay attention to my work efficiency. I will do the most important task in my most productive time of my day. Thirdly, I believe my health is vital. I often do some physical exercise in the spare time.

3. What’s your major?

I study Computer Science. My major is a subfield of Computer Technology Software Development. The main task is to write codes to fully control the computer and make it easier for others to use. Besides, I would like to study Psychology. In this way, I could develop a greater understanding of the cognitive development of children and combine that knowledge with what I have learned and put these theories into best practice to help children learn in a more effective way.

4. What have you got from your study for your career?

Computer Science is a field that is developing faster than any other fields. I am becoming more and more interested in this subject. I hope I can make some achievements in this field. So I believe that further study in this field will help me with my career. And it will be the most important foundation for my future career.

5. What is the most important skill you have acquired at college?

Besides all the courses taken, I have also acquired another important skill at college which will benefit me all through my life. That is, the way to communicate with others. Of course, in the first several weeks in college, it was just hard for me even to adapt to the new environment, not to mention having a good conversation with others. But gradually, with the help of my roommates, classmates, together with teachers, I started to learn the way of getting along with people around—to be generous, kind and helpful.

6. Does more pressure from academic studies do good to us?

As far as I am concerned, pressure makes motive power to us. For one thing, pressure from academic studies can drive students to work harder. For another, pressure from the academic studies is a necessary driving force to those less self-disciplined students. Compared to the middle school life, college life gives us more freedom. Many students cannot adjust themselves to the new lifestyle and become addicted to playing computer games or surfing the Internet all day long. All in all, modest pressure from academic studies is useful and necessary. Therefore, as a university student, we should treasure our college life and properly arrange our time. As the saying goes, “Play while you play; study while you study.” 

7. My view on grades in college

As for me, the importance of grades in college is too obvious to be overlooked. No one can deny the fact that the major task of the students is to study.  In addition, grades in college are quite different from those of senior middle school, most of which are just the marks on the exam papers. Grades in college, on the contrary, consist of not only the marks on tests, but also the performance of the classroom discussions, presentations, experiments and research assignments. Thus they are more comprehensive ways of evaluating the abilities of students. So a student with good grades must be the one with ambition, responsibility and drive. That is to say, grades can tell the learning attitude and even the life attitude. By and large, college students should give enough attention to their grades, treasure their youth and master knowledge as much as they can.

8. Is the privileged class on campus acceptable?

Yes, I think so. The main reason why I agree the privilege should be enjoyed by some students is that it is more difficult for students to be all-round in the rich, fast-paced life in universities. Besides, exam scores will no longer play a key role in the evaluation of college students’ achievements. So schools cannot ask students to be good at both their study and extracurricular activities. Furthermore, a person’s time and energy is limited.  So the special consideration will help these students to concentrate on their specialties. All in all, what the so-called privilege students enjoy is not the privilege at all, but the support and encouragement from the universities to their development. So of course, the privileged class on the campus is acceptable.

9. Should class attendance be strictly required in college?

I do not think that it’s necessary to make class attendance mandatory in the universities. There are three conspicuous aspects as follows. Firstly, students should learn how to manage their time properly and take responsibility for their own actions. Secondly, the knowledge that a college student needs is not limited to books and classes any more. College students should not only put what they’ve learned into practice, but also learn how to communicate and cooperate with people outside the campus. Thirdly, rather than setting rigid requirements for the class attendance, universities should think about how to reform the curriculum to help their students get prepared for the future life.

10. Can you explain the benefits of reading books?

Yes, of course. First, books help to cultivate our minds. Reading a book requires more intellectual efforts than watching TV, because with less visual and auditory aids we have broader scope of imagination. Second, our critical thinking skills will be developed while we are reading. This is especially important for children. Third, reading books extends the attention span and helps us concentrate. When we are surfing the Internet or watching TV, we tend to become aimless. Switching channels or changing web pages frequently, we seldom focus on information that is worth reading. The nature of such media distracts our attention. However, books can just make up for this limitation by giving us opportunities to focus on limited information and think deeply.

11. Which course do you like most and why?

I like English most. Everything will be easier for you, and you will be able to accomplish more of what you want to accomplish, if you speak English well. Much of your success in the US will probably depend on your ability to communicate with people in English. Sometimes, you need to know how to use a machine, obtain information on getting a job, or convince another person of your ideas. To accomplish these goals you will need English. Students constantly share ideas and information in informal conversations. If you miss out on these conversations, your chances for professional and personal success will be limited compared to your peers.

12. Apart from your major, what other subjects do you think are very important for you?

Well, my major is Tourism Management. Besides my major, English is also very important in this field. Especially when we meet foreign guests, fluent and appropriate communication with guests is very important. At the same time, we should also know some cultures and customs of the Western countries.


Topic:Should exams be replaced by other forms of assessment?

A: Exams test the memory more than the analysis, creativity, or real understanding. If you have a good memory you can get very good grades.

B: Things such as open-book exams and questions which ask you to evaluate information are not merely testing the memory, but the ability to apply your knowledge.

A: Coursework is a much more genuine assessment for a candidate because it takes account of research, understanding of the issues and the ability to express oneself, not just the ability to answer a question in a very limited period of time.

B: Coursework is valuable but should be used together with exams. Students might answer a question very well given the time and help from teachers and textbooks, but then be unable to apply what they have learned to another question coming from a different angle.

A: The pressure attached to exams is huge and can cause many problems. Some students have breakdowns and, in extreme cases, they even attempt suicide because they cannot handle the pressure, especially with university places relying on grades.

B: Coursework can involve a lot of pressures as well, especially with the meeting of deadlines. Schools should teach students about relaxation and stress-management for both exams and coursework.

A: As well as causing personal problems, pressure can lead many bright students to underperform. Exams test your ability to keep calm more than your intelligence.

B: The pressure is a fact of life and students must be prepared for it. Pressure only increases at universities and in the workplace and we must learn how to perform well in these conditions rather than stay away from them.

A: Examination results depend on the opinion of the individual examiner. The same paper marked by two different examiners could get completely different results. This is exacerbated by the short time that examiners spend marking a paper.

B: That’s true. But the examiners should insure that papers are marked with the same standards.


1. Unpolished pearls never shine.


2. Learn young; learn fair.


3. Learning is the eye of the mind.


4. There is no royal road to learning.


5. Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.


6. Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps.


7. Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud.


8. Complacency is the enemy of study.


9. He who inquires much learns much.


10. Learning is better than house or land.


11. A little learning is a dangerous thing. 


12. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.


13. A free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books.


14. If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from him.


15. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.

