2023-12-066.The author's attitude toward the abstraction process that occurs when witnesses testify in a trial can best be described as(A) confident that wi...
2023-12-06SECTION ⅢTime-35 minutes26 QuestionsDirections: Each passage in this section if followed by a group of questions to be answered on the basis of what i...
2023-12-06Question 21-22This country does not need any more restrictions on pollution. In fact, we should abolish those that are currently on the books. In spit...
2023-12-06Questions 14-15Until now, this painting was believed to be a self portrait of the artist, but it probably is not. True, the heavy gold chain worn by t...
2023-12-06Question 8-9A thing is "nauseous" if it makes one sick to the stomach; the unfortunate victim of this malaise is "nauseated" . the...
2023-12-06SECTION ⅡTime-35 minutes26 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. Fo...
2023-12-06The Tribune, a growing large-city newspaper with a civic-minded publisher, will be adding a new column to the Arts and Leisure Section. The publisher ...
2023-12-06"Because businesses use high-quality advertising to sell low-quality products, schools should give students extensive training in how to make inf...
2024-08-04写作时应注意的问题 写作部分时 间为 30 分种,其内容是 ,就给定的题目 中的两种观点选择一个,并加以 阐述。 写作部分不计人总分, 只作为参考。 写作时应注意以下问题: (]) 选择一种观点 。 在两种观点 中选定一种, 围绕这种观点展开论述。 (2) 阐述观点时,既要陈述支持所选择观点的理由 ...
2024-08-04PART I 两大推理模式 如果我们把先发生的记作A,后发生的记作B,那么逻辑推理题的两大推理模式为: 一、B,A”模式 逻辑推理题中有很大一部分题目是由一个Survey,record,data,study,experiment或phenomena等而得出一个结论,而这个结论往往是对Su...