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Questions 14-15

Until now, this painting was believed to be a self portrait of the artist, but it probably is not. True, the heavy gold chain worn by the gentleman in the picture is similar to one presented to the artist by the Queen of England after he had painted her portrait. But the sword hanging at the gentleman's hip suggests that he was a knight, a rank higher than any the artist ever attained.

14. The argument above depends on assuming that the self-portrait would

(A) include objects that are important to the artist
(B) not exaggerate the rank achieved by the artist
(C) be similar to portraits of others whom the artist had painted
(D) be verifiable only through the examination of objects in the painting
(E) not portray the artist engaged in the activity of painting

15. Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the author's argument?

(A) Historians cannot determine whether the artist was ever knighted.
(B) The artist painted only one self-portrait in his entire life.
(C) Several gentlemen of the artist's day wore heavy gold chains like the one in the painting.
(D) The gentleman in the painting resembles portraits of the artist painted by other artists.
(E) The artist was the only gentleman of his day who received a heavy gold chain from the Queen of England.

16. Colleges boast about the great sizes of their libraries. They quote figures in the hundreds of thousands of volumes, but how many books can a student read in four years-a thousand? What good, then, are all the rest?

Which one of the following statements most accurately expresses the author's main point?

(A) College librarians do not have anything about which they can boast.
(B) No student can read more than a thousand books in four years.
(C) It is silly to boast about a library's size, regardless of whether the library is large or small.
(D) Unused books are a waste of taxpayers' money.
(E) College libraries are unnecessarily large.
17. Eli:According to many scientists the widespread production and use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)-e.g., to provide coolant for air conditioners-inevitably leads to their escape into the atmosphere where they destroy the vital ozone layer. In my opinion, the continued use of CFCs by humans is like a harmful habit, which, if unchecked, could have disastrous effects on the user, namely self-destruction. The obvious and necessary cure, therefore, is a complete ban on CFC production and use.

Mark: The cure you propose would kill, not save, the user. A ban on CFC production and use would cause the destruction of the air conditioning industry.

The source of Mark, and Eli's dispute is their lack of agreement on which one of the following terms?
(A) cure
(B) user
(C) ban
(D) production
(E) destruction

18. If there is a decrease in the number of homeless families, then either the number of available jobs has increased or else the cost of renting or purchasing housing has decreased. If the cost of renting or purchasing housing has decreased, then the supply of housing must be greater than the demand.
Assume that there is a decrease in the number of homeless families. According to the passage, which one of the following statements. CANNOT be true?

(A) The number of jobs has been decreasing.
(B) The cost of renting or purchasing housing has been decreasing, and housing has been decreasing, and housing supply exceeds demand.
(C) The number of jobs has been increasing, and the cost of renting or purchasing housing has been stable.
(D) The number of jobs has been decreasing, the cost of renting or purchasing housing has been decreasing, and housing demand exceeds supply.
(E) The number of jobs has been increasing, the cost of renting or purchasing housing has been increasing, and housing supply exceeds demand.

19. Everyone knew that if the team's star player were too badly injured to play in Saturday's game, the team would lose. Since the team won, the star player must have played
Which one of the following is most similar in logie to the argument above?

(A) Red spots on the feet are a symptom of a disease called borosis. This patient has green spots on his feet, therefore, he does not have borosis.
(B) If the frost comes late, the farmer has a good crop. Because the frost was late, the farmer must have a good crop.
(C) The instructor in a course ruled that if a student received an A on either the term paper or the final exam, then the student would receive an A for the course. Anne received an A on the term paper and a C on the final exam. Therefore, Anne received an A for the course.
(D) People in driving school realized that if Pete had another auto accident, he would be expelled from the driving school, Pete was not expelled from the driving school. Therefore, he must not have had another auto accident.
(E) If Swenson pays a $100 fine, he will not be expelled from the country club. Because Swenson has not been expelled, he must have paid the fine.

20. An examination of corruption provides the basis for rejecting the view that an exact science of society can ever be constructed. As with all other social phenomena that involve deliberate secrecy, it is intrinsically impossible to measure corruption, and this is not merely due to the fact that social science has not yet reached its goal, achievable to be sure, of developing adequate quantifying techniques. If people were ready to answer question about their embezzlements and bribes, it would their embezzlements and bribes, it would mean that these practices had acquired the character of legitimate, taxable activities and had ceased to be corrupt. In other words, corruption must disappear if it is to be measurable.

Which one of the following most accurately states a hidden assumption that the author must make in order to advance the argument above

(A) Some people believe that an exact science of society can be constructed.
(B) The primary purpose of an exact science to quantify and measure phenomena
(C) An intrinsic characteristic of social phenomena that involve deliberate secrecy is that they cannot be measured.
(D) An exact science of social phenomena that involve deliberate secrecy cannot be constructed.
(E) An exact science can be constructed only when the phenomena it studies can be measured.
