
  • 金融英语基础辅导:股票 金融英语基础辅导:债券 金融英语基础辅导:共同基金 金融英语基础辅导:衍生工具 金融英语基础辅导:证券经纪公司 ...

  • Whattosay Planwellinadvance;预先计划好; Makesureyoufullyunderstandyourroleintheprogram;保证自己充分了解在活动中的角色; Devotecaretostructuringyourspeechlogically;认真地构思演讲,...

  • 一、熟悉教材,结合实际,找好学习方法——规划阶段专业英语的学习不同于普通英语,要求掌握专业词汇和专业知识,最好具备相关专业的基础知识,因此,需要熟悉所要学的教材。例如,FECT教材就是一个大杂烩,有国际结算,信贷,会计,银行业务操作和金融法律等相关知识。结合实际,就要针对自身具备的知识结构情况,缺啥...

  • A financial statement is a written record of the financial condition of a company for its fiscal year. It consists of a balance sheet and an income st...

  • StockOwnership of a corporation represented by shares usually in the form of certificates. 股票股份公司股份的所有权证明,通常为证书形式。来源:考试大Dividend, StockMoney paid on a...

  • BondAn interest-bearing government or corporate security that obligates the issuer to make specified payments on a specific schedule to the bondholder...

  • Mutual FundA fund managed by an investment company in which investors pool their capital. 共同基金来源:考试大由投资公司管理并由投资人共同投入资本的基金。来源:考试大Fund, Open-endA mutual...

  • A derivative is a security which derives” its value from another underlying financial instrument, index, or other investment. Derivatives are av...

  • A securities brokerage is a company which acts as an intermediary for clients wishing to buy and sell different types of securities. These securities ...

  • Registered Representative来源:考试大A person licensed by the SEC and the NYSE to act as an account executive for clients of brokerages.注册代理人来源:考试大证券交易委员会或纽...

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