
  • 金融英语证书考试,缩写FECT,全称Financial English Certificate Test,是中国人民银行和教育部联合主办的金融行业英语证书考试。金融英语证书从一个评价业内在职人员英语素质的行业证书扩大到无报考限制的社会性行业证书,经历了将近十年的时 间。因为受众由业界发展到社会,关于...

  • 《金融专业英语证书》考试是为培养既懂专业英语又精通银行业务的复合型跨世纪金融人才建立和实施的。这种考试是全国第一个国家级的行业性英语证书考试,比社会上一般的英语等级考试更接近金融业务的实际。目前,很多优秀学员通过认证考试后,已被调整到国际业务部门或提拔使用,还有部分学员以派往驻外机构,对金融业发展产...

  • 2003年5月31日至6月1日进行了银行综合类和中级四科考试。考试后获得的证书可以作为在金融部门从事相应的涉外业务工作、参加涉及培训、职称评定和各类毕业学生进入金融部门就业等方面的参考依据。 考试时间为150分钟,包括听力和笔试两部分。听力占30%,包括简短会话、报告、陈述、介绍业务等;笔试部分占7...

  • 本考试的试题类型为:?1、听力:分为三个部分:第一部分为针对单句的单项选择;第二部分为针对对话的单项选择;第三部分为针对短文的单项选择。? 2、笔试:分为单项选择、完型填空、判断正误、短文阅读理解(共50%)和写作(20%)。其中写作又分为三部分:第一部分为填写表格、单证等;第二部分为翻译(汉译英或...

  • A securities brokerage is a company which acts as an intermediary for clients wishing to buy and sell different types of securities. These securities ...

  • A derivative is a security which derives” its value from another underlying financial instrument, index, or other investment. Derivatives are av...

  • The U.S. Secret Service estimates that some $1 billion of counterfeit U.S. dollars are printed every year. Ninety percent of that amount is confiscate...

  • Exports are either raw materials or manufactured goods. Raw materials are products of the land, such as cotton, timber or rubber. Some raw materials, ...

  • Easy Monetary Policy A policy issued by a Central Bank to assist economic growth usually achieved by reducing short-term interest rates.Tight Monetary...

  • CommitmentAn agreement by an individual or organization to complete a task within a certain timeframe.RegistrationA process by which an owner of stock...

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