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The reason why children learn their mother tongue so well lies solely in their environment of learning.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue so well?...What accounts for this difference?
Despite other explanations, the real answer in my opinion lies partly(部分地)in the child himself, partly(部分地) in the behavior of the people around him(学习环境).
有些词以-ly结尾,却并不是副词,这样的词在职称英语复习中值得注意的有: sickly(多病的),deadly(致命的), friendly(友好的), weekly(每周的), monthly(每月的),(daily)每天的, (yearly)每年的。
提示:名词+ ly构成形容词,形容词 + ly 构成副词
badly:adv. 坏, 不良地, 恶劣地, 严重地, [口]非常, 迫切地
e.g. He slept badly./他睡得不好。(“不好”是该词的本义--词根揭示的含义)
e.g. The thieves' car was badly damaged./贼车被撞坏得很厉害。(“严重地” 就是该词的引申含义了,在这里badly = greatly)
还有副词hard与 hardly的区别, high与 highly (通常在短语speak highly of(赞扬)和think highly of (尊重)中都是用副词highly)。


amaze v. 使惊奇;使吃惊(be amazed at sth. /对...感到惊奇);
amazing adj. 令人吃惊的
ambition n. 野心, 雄心, 抱负;
ambitious adj. 野心勃勃的,有雄心的, 渴望的
(A) amend v. 改正;修改;
America n. 美洲, 美国(North [South] America/北[南]美洲; Central America/中美洲; Latin America/拉丁美洲; the United States of America/美利坚合众国(略作U. S. A.));
American n. 美洲人, 美国人adj. 美洲的, 美国的(American English/美国英语);
amount n. 数量v.(与to连用) 等于;总计;总计达;( large amounts of money /大量的金钱, amount to/ 共达, 等于);
(A)ample adj. 丰富的,充足的,富裕的
analyze v. 分析,分解;
analysis n. 分析, 分解;
ancient adj.远古的, 旧的(ancient history /古代历史);
and conj. [连接并列的名词、代词或数词] 和, 与, 如: Father and I;[连接并列的形容词、副词]又, 而且, 如: Read slowly and loudly./读得既要慢些; [连接两个并列句]而, 而且, 如: I did not answer, and he, too, kept silent./ 我没有回答, (而)他也不作声;
anger n. 愤怒, 怒气
angle n. 角, 看问题的角度(consider all angles of the question /考虑这个问题的各方面);
angry adj. 发怒的, 愤怒的, 生气的;
animal adj.动物的;n. 动物
announce v. 通告, 发表, 正式宣布;
annoy v. 惹恼,打搅;使烦恼
annual adj. 每年的, 年度的;
another pron.另一个, 类似的一个adj. 又一, 另一( one after another/相继地);
answer v. 回答, 响应n. 回答, 响应, 答案(answer the telephone/接电话; the answer to the question/问题的答案);
anticipate v. 预期, 预料, 期待(anticipate sb.'s arrival/期待某人的到来);
anxious adj. 忧虑的,不安的(about, for), 渴望的, 急切的(be anxious about./为...而忧虑; be anxious to do sth. /渴望做..; be anxious for sth./ 渴望有(得到));
any pron. 任何一个, 无论哪一个, 哪些adj. 一些,什么(用于否定句,疑问句和条件句中)(in any case/无论如何);
anybody pron. [用于否定句、疑问句、条件句]任何人, 无论谁[什么人] (如:Did you see anybody there?/ 你在那里看见了什么人了吗?);[用于肯定句]任何一个人(如:You may ask anybody here for help./你可以请求这里的任何人帮忙。);
anyone pron. 任何人;无论谁;
anything pron. [用于否定句、疑问句、条件句]任何东西, 任何事物 ,无论什么东西(事情) 如:Is there anything in that box? /在那盒子里有什么东西吗?(anything but/决不, 并不 ;如:I will do anything but go there./我决不到那里去, anything else/还有其他要说/做的事情;
apart adv. 分开, 离开(three miles apart/相隔三英里; tear .. apart/把..拆开; apart from/除…外);
apartment n. 公寓住宅
apologize v. 道歉, 作为正式辩护或解辩(apologize to sb. for sth. [for doing sth.]/向某人为某事(为做了某事));


a) The train came to an abrupt stop, making us wonder where we were.
A. slow B. noisy C. sudden D. jumpy
C. 分析:借助划线词所在的局部搭配结构(..stop)确认答案。
Jumpy—jump + y
Noisy –nois (e) + y
(考研, 1990)
b) The book contained a large ___ of information.
A. deal B. amount C. number D. sums
分析: 该题考察近义词的辨析。
deal n. 交易,买卖
a great deal of/ a good deal of 大量的(修饰不可数名词/time)
sum n.总数,总计,总额
a large [small] sum of 巨[小]额的,大[小]量的
large sums of 大量的
