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have no other N except to
結構︰主詞+have no other+名詞+except/than+to-不定詞
說明︰此句型意為“除了要…沒有其他的…”。except 可以換成 than。
The speaker has no other purpose except to make people laugh.
We have no other choice than to agree with them. 我們除了同意他們之外,沒有別的選擇。
I have no other wish except to pass the examination.我除了要通過考試之外,沒有別的心願。
... in order/so as to ...
結構︰in order/so as+to-不定詞…
He must work very hard in order to support his large family.
Listen carefully so as to follow the teacher. 要仔細聽才能聽懂老師講的課。
You must watch your step so as not to fall down. 你必須留心腳下才不會跌下去。
... be used to ...
結構︰主詞(物) + be used to-不定詞
說明︰此句型意為“被用來…”。主詞通常是無生命的東西。而“物+be used as+<名詞>”譯為“被用來當做…”。
The book is used to teach us how to write. 這本書教我們如何寫作。
The knife can be used to cut meat. 刀能用來切肉。
It is said that the plant can be used to treat hepatitis. 據說那種植物可用來治肝炎。
The book is used as a reference book. 這本書被用來做參考書。
I am + V-ing ...
說明︰此句型意為“<主詞>(人,物)正在…”。<現在進行式>用於表示現在“正在進行”的動作或“暫時性”的動作,常和 now,still,at this time 等<副詞>(<片語>)連用。而<簡單現在式>用於表示現在的“事實,習慣或狀態”,常和 every day,usually,always 等<副詞>(<片語>)連用。
Bill is singing. 比爾正在唱歌。
Linda is cooking. 琳達在烹飪。
My father is sleeping. 我父親在睡覺。
Mother cooks dinner every evening. 媽媽每天晚上做晚飯。
She is cooking in the kitchen now. 她現在正在廚房裡做飯。
Father walks to his office every morning. 爸爸每天早上走路去上班。
He is walking to his office now. 他現在正在走路去上班。
Mary sings in her room every afternoon. 瑪麗每天下午在她房間裡唱歌。
She is singing in her room now. 她現在正在她房間裡唱歌。
an interesting movie
說明︰“情緒<動詞>”如 interest,excite,satisfy,bore,confuse,trouble 等,要修飾事物,常用現在<分詞>;現在<分詞>含有“主動”或動作“正在進行”的意味。
That is an interesting movie. 那是一部令人有趣的電影。
That is an exciting game. 那是一場令人興奮的比賽。
That is a satisfying book. 那是一本令人滿意的書。
Have you + V-ed ...?
說明︰將<助動詞> have(has)提到句首,即構成<現在完成式>的疑問式。
Have you had your lunch? 你已吃過午飯嗎?
Has she ever written a letter to Mark? 她曾經寫信給馬克嗎?
Have you found the pen you lost yesterday? 你找到昨天丟失的鋼筆了嗎?
a troubled student
說明︰“情緒<動詞>”如 interest,excite,satisfy,bore,confuse,trouble 等,要修飾人,常用過去<分詞>;過去<分詞>含有“被動”或動作“已經完成”的意味。
He is a troubled student. 他是一位感到苦惱的學生。
He is an interested person. 他是一位表現興趣的人。
He is a bored student. 他是一位感到厭煩的學生。
