2013.06.30ML Task 1 说一个你已经会了但是想提高的技能 Task 2 是否同意在人们购买东西的时候,广告has too much influence 2013.01.12NA 口语1:你觉得你的朋友最喜欢你的哪方面:cheerfulness, kindness, intelligently.三选一 口语2:如果让你选上一节课for fun, which one do you choose? art class, science class 而选一 2012.10.28ML 1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing students to watch television at school? 2.通过电子邮件留作业还是当堂留 2012.09.22ML 1.working with children,with community?三选一, 2.体育节目是不是个好的休闲方式。 2012.05.05NA 1.如果学校图书馆里面所有的纸质的书换成电子书好不好? 2.Government该不该spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle。 2012.03.04ML 1.为了让学生更好的了解营养和保健,学校开设厨艺课,你觉得这个决策合理吗? 2.是否认为老师和蔼可亲学生可以学到更多? 2012.02.11ML 1.你的一个朋友想要养个宠物,问你的建议 2.fictional和nonfictional,喜欢哪个? 2011.12.17NA 第二题 listening the audio 书和read book 你喜欢那个 2011.12.09NA 1.do you agree or disagree the university's decision to allow food during the class. 2.someone likes to collect old things, someone throw things away after they used it.what's your preference? 2011.09.28ML 1.Describe your favorite movie star or singer. 2.Do you prefer to plan every detail of the vacation or leave every detail flexible open to change? |