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第一,根据关键词去原文中定位。排除列举题在原文中一般是有并列结构存在的,因此我们首先选用的方法是根据题干中的关键词去原文定位,看看是否有并列存在。并列分两种情况,第一种是在原文中并列列举,如 including A, B, C and D。第二种是在原文中分散列举,如first...second....third....;或者.....moreover/in addition......,当你发现有moreover或者in addition这样的字眼时,就要知道在这之前肯定还有别的并列内容,在原文找到这些并列内容之后,就可以跟选项一一对应,选出原文没有提到的,或者与原文相反的,或者虽然是原文提到的正确信息但是答非所问的选项。下面我们就来具体看一个具体的托福阅读题例子。

Paragraph 3: The samething happens to this day, though on a smaller scale, wherever a sediment-ladenriver or stream emerges from a mountain valley onto relatively flat land,dropping its load as the current slows: the water usually spreads out fanwise,depositing the sediment in the form of a smooth, fan-shaped slope. Sedimentsare also dropped where a river slows on entering a lake or the sea, thedeposited sediments are on a lake floor or the seafloor at first, but will belocated inland at some future date, when the sea level falls or the land rises;such beds are sometimes thousands of meters thick.

6. All of the followingare mentioned in paragraph 3 as places that sediment-laden rivers can deposittheir sediments EXCEPT

A: Mountain Valley

B: Flat land

C: Lake floor

D: The seafloor

解析:首先根据题干中的关键词sediment-laden定位至原文第一句说river or stream emerges from a mountain valley,说明a mountain valley是河流的发源地而不是积累沉淀的地方,因此直接就可以选出A。后面说了emerges from ...onto relatively flat land, dropping its load,即是将load留在了flat land上,对应选项B;接着下一句说also dropped说明后面紧跟的也是河流积累沉淀的地方,the deposited sediments are on a lake floor or the seafloor,说明沉淀也会留在lake floor或者sea floor,分别对应选项C和D。
