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Bryant is still perceived in many quarters as a selfish ball hog, which is why his grand accomplishment is not celebrated today like it would be if you-know-who seized a game the way Bryant did at the Staples Center.

The revisionist historians argue Michael Jordan would not have taken 46 shots and 13 three-pointers -- even though Bryant made more than half of his attempts from both short- and long-range.

They won't remember the rest of Bryant's supporting cast, which shot a combined 14 of 42 in a game they were about to give away, or how lackadaisical Lamar Odom looked (0 for 4, one rebound in the first half).

All they'll say is, "Michael would have passed more."

"I wish it would just stop," Bryant said when asked of the Jordan comparison after the game. "MJ is MJ. I'm Kobe. I think people should just let it go. It annoys me.

"Michael is probably the greatest player of all time. It's not fair to compare me, or LeBron or whoever comes along to him. We can't be compared to them. We're not from their era. I think people should just sit back and enjoy what we do."

Whether you enjoy his levitation and competitiveness or you think he is part of what's wrong with the modern game, Kobe Bryant is going to score 100 points in an NBA contest. He's that good and that indefensible.

He's playing on an average NBA team that needs him to put up huge numbers every game,which is why his one-time harshest critic, Phil Jackson, has not said boo about Bryant averaging 45.5 points the last 10 games.

注:Kobe Bryant(科比*布莱恩特),美国湖人队篮球队员。1月23日,在NBA常规赛上,科比疯狂砍下职业生涯最高分81分,率领洛杉矶湖人队主场以122-104击败多伦多猛龙队。科比此前的最高记录是62分,创造于2005年12月20日和小牛队的比赛上。科比全场46投28中,其中三分球13投7中,罚球20罚18中,此外他还抢下了6个篮板。

new words
quarter    指篮球比赛的一节
ball hog    球猪,通常指篮球比赛中喜欢打“独”球的人
Staples Center    斯台普斯中心,美国湖人队的主场
boo    作嘘声,(某人)用嘘声表示不满蔑视或反对


在许多场比赛的小节中,Bryant一直被认为是“自私的球猪”,这就是为什么今天在斯台普斯中心的比赛结束后没有庆祝他的重大成就的原因。而某人(你心知肚名我指的是谁)如果像Bryant这样结束某场比赛,则会举行庆祝。 他在一个中等的NBA队伍打球,这需要他撑起为数众多的每一场比赛。这就是为什么原先对他极为严厉的批评家Phil Jackson没有对Bryant最近10场平均得45.5分的成绩作嘘声的原因。
