From < Computing the future> 摘自《经济学人》 Mar 23rd 2006 WHAT makes a scientific revolution? (1)Thomas Kuhn famously described it as a “paradigm shift”—the change that takes place when one idea is overtaken by another, usually through the replacement over time of the generation of scientists who adhered to an old idea with another that cleaves to a new one.These revolutions can be triggered by technological breakthroughs, such as the construction of the first telescope (which overthrew the Aristotelian idea that heavenly bodies are perfect and unchanging) and by conceptual breakthroughs such as the invention of calculus (which allowed the laws of motion to be formulated). (2)This week, a group of computer scientists claimed that developments in their subject will trigger a scientific revolution of similar proportions in the next 15 years. new words overtake v. 赶上,突然来袭,压倒 托马斯库恩的著名观点把科学革命描述成“范式转换”,即一种观点被另一种观点取代时发生的变化,这种变化通常发生在坚持旧观点的一代科学家随着时间的流逝被另一代开辟新观点的科学家所取代的时候。 |