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From < One qubit at a time> 摘自《经济学人》 May 4th 2006

COMPUTING is about to hit a problem. (1)In each new generation the components are smaller than they were in its predecessor, and the speed at which this miniaturisation is happening means that within 15 years or so a fundamental limit will be reached.At that point, not only will the strange effects of quantum mechanics hold sway, the components themselves will be on the scale of atoms and no further size-reduction will be possible. Which is why scientists and engineers are seeking new ways of building computers.

One route they are exploring, which was discussed at a meeting held recently at the Royal Society in London, is called quantum computing. Instead of trying to overcome quantum weirdness, this technique embraces and exploits it. (2)The thing that distinguishes a quantum computer from the sort in use today is the number of calculations it can do in parallel.Both sorts of computer use binary arithmetic, but they do so in rather different ways. A classical computer employs bits—binary digits, either zero or one—to process and store information. But a bit must be one or the other; it cannot be both at the same time. A quantum computer does not suffer from this restriction.

new words

miniaturisation    n. 小型化
小贴士: Quantum Computer 量子计算机




◆破获密码   ◆统计分析 ◆大数相乘 ◆在理论物理学中解决问题



(1)In each new generation the components are smaller than they were in its predecessor, and the speed at which this miniaturisation is happening means that within 15 years or so a fundamental limit will be reached.


(2)The thing that distinguishes a quantum computer from the sort in use today is the number of calculations it can do in parallel.

