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circulate v. to move in or flow through a circle or circuit; to move around, as from person to person or place to place; to spread widely among persons or places

circumspect adj. careful; cautious

circumstance n. condition; influencing factor; situation

circumstance v. to place in particular situations

circumvent v. to by-pass; to side-step; to evade

citation n. quotation; official praise; summons to a court of law

cite v. to quote as an authority or example; to mention or bring forward as support, illustration, or proof

citizen n. resident; native of a country; person who lives in a city or town; person who is not a soldier; civilian

citizenship n. right to live in a country; condition of being a member of a country

civic adj. pertaining to a city; pertaining to citizenship

claim v. to demand, ask for, or take as one's own or one's due; to take in a violent manner as if by right; to state to be true, especially when open to question; assert or maintain; To deserve or call for; require

claim n. lawsuit; request; right

clarify v. to make clear; to explain

classify v. to arrange systematically; to structure; to group; to sort; to make confidential

clause n. paragraph; section in a document; part of a contract

clearance n. release; approval; washing

clearly adv. obviously; apparently; unmistakably

clerk n. minor office worker; book-keeper; bureaucrat

clerk v. to work as an employee (i.e. in the legal or bank business)

client n. customer; buyer; computer that serves as a terminal

clientele n. the clients of a professional person or practice considered as a group; a body of customers or patrons

climate n. weather conditions; surrounding conditions; atmosphere; setting

clip n. clamp; fastener; shred; sharp blow; sharp strike; short film; segment of video; selecting part of a graphic document for the purpose of editing (Computers)

clip v. to cut off; to curtail; to cut short; to leave out (a letter or letters) from a word; to trim off

clipping n. article cut from a newspaper; piece which has been cut off or clipped out

clock n. timepiece; device for telling time

close adj. near; adjacent; careful; secretive; stingy; dense; compact; crowded; oppressive; intimate

coach n. trainer; tutor; teacher; bus; railroad car; horse pulled carriage

coach v. to train; to teach; to instruct; to direct; to guide; to counsel; to consult; to advise

coal n. fuel made from carbon; cinder; ember

coalition n. alliance; union; voluntary joining together; agreement made between two or more parties to work together toward a common goal

code n. cipher; string of commands in a programming language (Computers); collection of instructions of the law; the codex and rules

code v. to cipher

cogent adj. appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning; convincing

cognition n. awareness; perception

coherent adj. sticking together; consistent

cohesive adj. sticking together; forming a unit or union; united; related to each other

coin n. metal money; piece of stamped metal currency (as opposed to paper bills)

coincide v. to occupy the same relative position or the same area in space; to happen at the same time or during the same period; to correspond exactly; be identical; to agree exactly, as in opinion; concur

coincidence n. chance occurrence; unforeseen event; occurrence of two or more events at the same time; condition of occupying the same place at the same time

collaborate v. to work together; to cooperate

collaboration n. working together; cooperation

collapse v. to fall down or inward suddenly; cave in; to break down suddenly in strength or health and thereby cease to function

collate v. to compare in a critical manner; to verify; to gather; to sort; to collect; to assemble; to compile

collateral adj. of secondary importance; insignificant; corresponding

collateral n. security deposit

colleague n. fellow worker; co-worker

collectible adj. payable; subject to or requiring payment especially as specified

collectible n. rare object

collection n. group of objects that are related to each other; selection; choice; assortment; accumulation

collide v. to crash; to meet head on; to come together with solid or direct impact

colloquial adj. conversational; not used in formal speaking or writing; informal

collusion n. A secret agreement between two or more parties for a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose

combination n. joining; union; an ordered sequence

combine n. harvesting machine

combine v. to unite; to join; to come together; to become one

come across v. to happen upon; to find by chance; to discover; to see

come along v. to accompany someone; to forward; to appear; to advance; to proceed; to succeed

comfort n. relief; consolation; coziness

comfort v. to bring relief; to encourage; to console

comfortable adj. easy; relaxing; cozy; financially well to do

comforting adj. consoling; encouraging; reassuring; brining relief; heartening

command n. order; direction; control; domination; headquarters

command v. to rule; to control; to be in charge; to be in authority; to demand

commemorate v. to honor the memory of with a ceremony; to serve as a memorial to

commensurate v. of the same size, extent, or duration as another; corresponding in size or degree; proportionate

comment n. remark; note; statement; explanation; explanatory note; response; reaction

comment v. to make a remark; to explain; to write an explanatory note

commentary n. series of remarks; explanation (often written in essay or book form)

commerce n. trade; business; transactions; exchange of products/services and money

commercial adj. pertaining to business; pertaining to buying and selling

commercial n. television or radio advertisement

commission n. percentage of profits earned by a salesperson; document that grants certain powers; authorization; group of people with authority

commission v. to contract; to order; to empower; to authorize; to confer; to rank

commit v. to perform; to do; to engage; to execute; to offer; to pledge (one's loyalty, etc.); to be obliged; to give; to entrust

commitment n. obligation; promise

committed adj. obligated; engaged; industrious; ambitious; loyal

committee n. a group of people officially delegated to perform a function, such as investigating, considering, reporting, or acting on a matter

commodity n. merchandise; goods; item that is bought and sold; something useful

commotion n. a condition of turbulent motion; an agitated disturbance

communication n. exchange of information or ideas; transfer; passing along; letter; message

commute v. to exchange; to replace; to convert; to travel back and forth regularly (i.e. to work)

commuter n. person who travels back and forth between home and work

comparable adj. admitting of comparison with another or others; similar or equivalent

comparatively adv. relatively

compare v. to show how (people or things) are alike or different; to consider to be similar

comparison n. pointing out of similarities and differences; similarity; likeness

compartment n. one of the parts or spaces into which an area is subdivided; a separate room, section, or chamber

compartmentalize v. to separate into sections; to partition

compatible adj. capable of existing together in harmony; congruous; able to be used with other machines without alternation; able to be used on or with other computers without being changed

compatible n. piece of equipment which can be used with other machines without alternation; device which can be used on or with other Computers without being changed

compel v. to force; to coerce; to influence; to impose; to demand

compendium n. a short, complete summary; an abstract; a list or collection of various items

compensate v. to reward; to reimburse; to pay back; to make up for

compensation n. repayment; something done to make up for (a loss, deficiency or fault)

compete v. to contest; to contend against another; to participate in a contest

competent adj. adept; capable; fit; suitably skilled; well qualified; experienced

competition n. rivalry; contest; act of competing against another

competitive adj. involving rivalry; tending to contest
