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equipment n. supplies; necessary items; tools, instruments or other objects for completing a task

equity n. honesty; fairness; justice

equivalent adj. same in worth or value; same in importance; corresponding

equivalent n. something that is the same of the same level

erase v. to rub off; to remove totally; to delete

erasure n. rubbing out; deletion; eradication

errancy n. The state of erring or an instance of it

errand n. a short trip taken to perform a specified task, usually for another; the purpose or object of such a trip

erratic adj. having no fixed or regular course; wandering; lacking consistency, regularity, or uniformity; deviating from the customary course in conduct or opinion; eccentric

escalate v. to increase, enlarge, or intensify

escalator n. a moving stairway consisting of steps attached to a continuously circulating belt

especially adv. particularly

essence n. inherent nature of something; spirit; central or outstanding characteristic; extract obtained from a plant or other substance

essential adj. necessary; needed; fundamental; crucial; very important

establish v. to set up; to found; to base; to build

establishment n. anything that is set up; institution (i.e. business, church, authority, government, etc.); permanent organization; place of business

estate n. extensive piece of land usually with a large house on it; person's property; wealth; possessions; status; social standing; rank

esteem n. admiration; respect

esteem v. to respect; to honor; to admire; to value

estimate n. judgment of an object's worth; appraisal; opinion; judgment

estimate v. to judge an object's value; to appraise; to assess; to guess; to have an opinion; to make a judgment

evacuate v. to empty or remove the contents of; to excrete or discharge waste matter from (the bowel, for example); to withdraw or depart from; vacate

evade v. to avoid; to run away; to shrink

evaluate v. to appraise; to judge the worth or quality; to assess; to gauge

evaluation n. appraisal; estimation; assessment

evasive adj. avoiding; tending to shrink; elusive

even adj. smooth; straight; level; parallel; equal; uniform; consistent; calm; not easily excited or angered; fair; composed; able to be divide exactly by two (Mathematics)

even v. to make level; to smooth; to balance

eventual adj. final; occurring as a result

evict v. to expel a tenant by legal process; to turn out

evidence n. proof; something which proves or disproves

evident adj. clear; obvious; apparent

evoke v. to arouse; to bring out; to summon; to wake

evolve v. to develop or achieve gradually; to work (something) out; devise; to give off; emit

exaggerate v. to overstate; to make something seem greater or more important than it really is; to make larger than normal

examinee n. person who is tested; candidate

examiner n. person who gives a test

exceed v. to surpass; to pass; to go beyond; to outdo; to excel

excel v. to be talented; to do very well; to surpass; to do better than

excellent adj. superior; extraordinary; outstanding

exception n. something that is out of the ordinary; anomaly; objection; opposition

excessive adj. exceeding a normal, usual, reasonable, or proper limit

exchange n. conversion; stock market; trade; barter; act of giving something in return for something else, conversation

exchange v. to give one thing in return for another; to replace one thing with another; to trade; to barter

exclaim v. to cry out suddenly or vehemently, as from surprise or emotion

exclude v. to leave out; to keep out; to prevent from happening or being; to reject

exclusion n. prevention; rejection; leaving out; keeping out; shutting out

exclusive adj. shutting out all others; sole; limited to a selected few; incompatible; fashionable; unique

exclusive n. news story publicized in only a newspaper or televisions/radio station

exclusively adv. in an exclusive manner; in a manner which shuts out all others; solely; in a limited manner

execute v. to perform; to carry out; to put into practice

executive adj. administrative; operational; having the power to execute laws and policy

executive n. manager; person or group of persons having administrative authority within an organization; branch of a government or organization which executes laws and policy

exert v. to exercise; to use; to make an effort

exertion n. putting to use; putting into action; effort; struggle; strain

exhibit n. something presented as evidence in a court of law; display; show; exhibition (of artwork, products, skills, etc.)

exhibit v. to show; to display; to demonstrate; to present

exhibition n. display; show; public presentation of work or skills; trade fair

exigent adj. requiring immediate action or remedy; requiring much effort or expense; demanding

exist v. to live; to be

existence n. living; state of being; life

exit n. passage that leads out

exit v. to leave; to go out

exotic adj. from another part of the world; foreign; intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange

expand v. to spread out; to grow larger; to broaden; to increase; to enlarge; to add to

expansion n. enlargement; increase; spread; development

expectancy n. hope; anticipation; assumption

expectation n. anticipation; longing or waiting for; hope

expectorant adj. promoting or facilitating the secretion or expulsion of phlegm, mucus, or other matter from the respiratory tract

expectorant n. a medicine promoting expectoration

expedite v. to speed up; to accelerate; to facilitate (a process, action, etc.); to dispatch; to execute quickly and efficiently

expel v. eject; drive out; banish

expenditure n. spending; disbursement; outlay (especially financial)

expense n. cost; price; payment

expensive adj. costly; precious; opposite of cheap

experiment n. attempt to discover or test something; trial; research

experiment v. to attempt to discover or test something; to try; to venture; to research

expertise n. proficiency; skill; specialist knowledge and information

expiration n. termination; end

expire v. to come to an end; to finish; to terminate

explicate v. to make clear the meaning of; explain

explicit adj.fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied; forthright and unreserved in expression

explore v. to travel to unknown regions; to investigate; to examine; to research

explorer n. researcher; investigator; person who travels to unknown regions; software program for file management

export n. shipping of goods to other countries; opposite of import; storage of data in a format which can be read by other programs

export v. to ship; to send abroad; to sell goods and products overseas

expose v. to reveal; to uncover; to disclose; to abandon

exposition n. a setting forth of meaning or intent; a public exhibition or show, as of artistic or industrial developments

exposure n. denouncement; revealing; photograph; abandoning; placement

expulsion n. the act of expelling or the state of being expelled

extend v. to stretch; to pull out to its greatest possible length; to enlarge; to lengthen; to give; to bestow; to reach out

extension n. expansion; branch of a telephone network; particular telephone number; supplement; elongation; reprieve; group of letters which indicates the type of computer files

extensive adj. spreading over a large area; comprehensive

extent n. scope; range; scale; size; measure; degree

extract n. substance obtained from a plant; essence; text paragraph; passage; excerpt; quotation (from a text)

extract v. to remove; to take out; to squeeze; to press; to elicit; to draw out

extradite v. to hand over to another nation or judicial authority

extraordinary adj. unusual
