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remote adj. distant, located far away; secluded; isolated; distant in time or relation; aloof; standoffish; operated by remote control; slight; unlikely

removal n. act of taking off; act of shedding; act of taking away; elimination; ejection; dismissal

remove n. degree of difference; step or degree in a graduated scale; (British) promotion of a student to a higher grade

remove v. to take off; to shed; to take away; to eliminate; to get rid of; to eject; to dismiss; to discharge

render v. to give; to submit; to do; to transform; to bring to a particular condition; to represent; to depict; to translate; to automatically create a three-dimensional picture according to a model within a computer (Computers)

renege n. the act of reneging

renege v.to fail to carry out a promise or commitment

renew v. to restore to good condition; to restart; to resume; to refresh; to extend for an additional period of time

renewal n. the act of renewing or the state of having been renewed

renovate v. to restore to an earlier condition, as by repairing or remodeling; to impart new vigor to; revive

renovation n. act of repairing; renewal; act of restoring to good condition

renowned adj. famous; prominent

rental adj. available to lease or rent

rental n. money paid for the use of property; property that is leased; act of leasing

repeal n. the act or process of repealing

repeal v.to revoke or rescind, especially by an official or formal act

repetition n. reiteration; act of redoing something

replace v. to substitute for; to provide a substitute item; to return something to a particular position or location

replacement n. substitution; substitute

repo n. agreement in which the seller of securities agrees to buy them back at a specified time and price

represent v. to act as an agent on behalf of a person or organization; to symbolize; to stand for; to depict; to represent; to portray

representative adj. typical; characteristic; serving to portray or depict; acting on behalf of another person or organization

representative n. delegate; agent; person who acts on behalf of another person or organization

reprove v. to accuse; to admonish

reputation n. regard; esteem; renown

request n. petition; instance of asking for something; something that is asked for; object of a petition

request v. to ask for; to petition for

require v. to demand; to claim; to need; to call for; to have need for; to order; to command; to necessitate; to compel

requirement n. something that is demanded; necessity; something that is needed

reschedule v. to set a new time and date

resemble v. to be similar to; to be akin to; to look like; to have a similar appearance to

reservation n. park; land set aside for a specific use; doubt; misgiving; act of ordering in advance (hotel room, airline ticket, etc.)

reserve requirement n. minimum amount of money and liquid assets set by the central banking system of the U.S.

residence n. dwelling place; abode; home; domicile; act of living; act of residing; period of time that one lives in a particular place; headquarters of a business

resident adj. staying in a particular place; not migratory; intrinsic; existing (about characteristics); permanently stored in memory (Computers)

resident n. inhabitant; one who lives in a particular location; doctor who is training in a medical specialty; diplomat who lives in a foreign court

residential adj. intended for inhabitation; occupied with homes

residual adj. enduring; lasting; continuing; leftover; remaining; left as a residue

resign v. to quit an office or position; to relinquish; to give up; to abdicate; to submit to; to quietly accept

resignation n. act of quitting a position; letter stating that one quits a position; relinquishment; abdication; act of giving up; submission; quiet acceptance

resilience n. elasticity; ability to return to the original shape; cheerfulness; quality of quickly recovering from sadness or failure; buoyancy

resist v. to oppose; to fight against; to challenge; to withstand; to be immune to the effects of; to refrain from; to desist

resistance n. opposition; act of fighting against; act of withstanding the effects of; quality of a conductor which resists an electrical current (Electricity); underground organization in an occupied country which fights against the occupying forces

resolute adj. determined; firm; steadfast

resolve n. firm decision, ruling; decisiveness; determination

resolve v. to determine; to decide; to separate into constituent parts

resonate v. to echo
