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4. 借助被选项中出现的逻辑词(逻辑连词,逻辑副词)判断空格前/后句可能的语意。
5. 借助被选项中出现的人称代词,指示代词,定冠词结构在空格前句中寻找相呼应的内容,判断答案。
7.观点句,举例句,语意转折句, 因果句等常常是考察点。


function n. 官能;功能,作用(the function of the heart/心脏的功能)
fund  n. 资金;基金 v. 支助;投资(a scholarship fund/奖学金基金)
fundamental adj. 基础的,基本的(a fundamental change/根本变化,the fundamental rules of grammar/语法的基本规则); funny adj. 有趣的,好笑的;奇异的
furnish(B) vt. 供应,提供,装备;布置v. 供给(be furnished with/备有,安装有(furnish sb. with sth. /供给某人某物)
furniture n. 家具;设备
further adj. 更远的,更多的; vt. 促进,增进,助长adv. 更进一步地;更远地;此外(further investigation/进一步的调查, get further information/得到更详尽的消息)
furthermore adv. 此外;而且
future n. 未来,将来,前途adj. 未来的,将来的(in future/今后,往后, future generations/后代)
gain n. 财物的增加,利润,收获 vt. 得到,增进,赚到(No gains without pains. /不劳则无获, gain weight/speed/ 增加体重/速度); game  n. 比赛;游戏;[复]运动会
gather n. 集合;聚集 vi. 集合;聚集(gather flowers/采花, gather information [experience]/逐渐获得消息[积累经验], gather strength/恢复体力, gather taxes/收税)
gene n. [遗传]基因
general n. 普通;将军;概要adj. 一般的,普通的;综合的(a matter of general interest/引起公众兴趣的事情)
generally adv. 一般,通常,一般地(generally speaking/一般地说)
generate vt. 产生,发生
generation n. 产生,发生;一代,一代人(the present generation/现在的一代人; the young generation/青年)
genius n. 天才,天赋,天才人物(a genius for mathematics/数学的天分)
gentle adj. 温和的;文雅的(gentle wind/和风)
genuine adj. 真实的;真正的;诚恳的
get vt. 获得;变成;收获;染上;抓住 vi. 到达;成为;变得(get over/做完;结束; get along/ 融洽相处, 进展; get across/被理解;使人了解)
giant n. 巨人; adj. 庞大的,巨大的
gift  n.礼物;天赋,才能
give  vt. 给;授予;供给;让步(give away/泄露(秘密);颁发;放弃(机会)
give forth/发[放]出(声音,气味等)/发表;公布
give in/屈服;交[呈]上
give way (to)/屈服;让步;坍塌)
glad  adj. 高兴的;乐意的;感到高兴的
global  adj. 球形的;全球的,全世界的 (global travel/环球旅行)
globe n. 球体;地球;世界(the globe/地球, the global village/地球村)
go vi. 离去;走;达到 ( go along/进行;继续 ;赞成; go about/到处走动;旅行
goal n. 目的,目标;球门(one’s goal in life/生活的目的[标];  a common goal/一个共同的目标; get a goal/得一分;踢进一个球; win by two goals/以两球获胜)
good n. 好事;好处,利益 adj. 优良的,愉快的;好心的,有益的(do sb. good/(健康或行为)对人有益 ; for good (and all)/永远 ; no good (doing sth. )/无用 ; good news/好消息)
goods  n. 货物; govern  v. 统治;支配;管理 (govern a country/治理国家; a governing principle/指导原则); government n. 政府;政体 (the local government/地方政府)
gradual  adj. 逐渐的
graduate n. (大学)毕业生;研究生v. (使)(大学)毕业(a graduate student/研究生; a graduate of a college/大学毕业生)
grand  adj. 盛大的,重大的,主要的
grant  vt. 同意,准予;承认n. 补助金;助学金;赠款 (social assistance grants/社会救济金; study grant/助学金)
grasp vt. 抓住,抓紧;掌握,领会n. 抓住,抓紧;掌握,领会(grasp sb.’s meaning/懂某人的意思)
great adj. 伟大的;主要的;重大的; (a great occasion/盛大的集会; the Great Wall of China/中国万里长城)
gross adj. 总的;毛重的n. 总额(gross domestic product/国内生产总值)
ground n. 地面;战场;场所 adj. 土地的;地面上的 vt. 把……放在地上;打基础(on the grounds of/根据, a football ground/足球场)
grow vi. 生长,成长;渐渐变得vt. 种植,栽培,培育( grow from/由……长大; grow into/成长为)
growth n. 生长;种植;发育(the growth of industry/工业的发展; the growth of population/人口的增加)
guess vt. 猜测,推测;想,认为 n. 猜测,推测
guilty adj. 犯罪的;有罪的(be found guilty/被判决有罪, be guilty of a crime/犯了罪)
guilt n. 罪行;内疚
habit n. 习惯,习性(from habit/出于习惯)
half n. 一半;半时 adj. 一半的;不完全的adv. 一半地;部分地(half in doubt/半信半疑; half a minute/半分钟)
halt n. 停止,暂停,中断 vt. 使停止;使立定vi. 立定,停止;


第5部分:补全短文  (第46~50题,每题2分,共10分)

Happy Birthday to You

The main problem in discussing American popular culture is also one of its main characteristics: it won’t stay American. No matter what it is, whether it is films, food and fashion, music, casual sports or slang, it’s soon at home elsewhere in the world. There are several theories why American popular culture has had this appeal.
One theory is that it has been “advertised” and marketed through American films, popular music, and more recently, television. ________1____ They are ,after all, in competition with those produced by other countries.
Another theory, probably a more common one, is that American popular culture is internationally associated with something called “the spirit of America.” ____2____
The final theory is less complex: American popular culture is popular because a lot of people in the world like it.
Regardless of why it spreads, American popular culture is usually quite rapidly adopted and then adapted in many other countries. _______3______ “Happy Birthday to You,” for instance , is such an everyday song that its source, its American copyright, so to speak, is not remembered. Black leather jackets worn by many heroes in American movies could be found , a generation later, on all those young men who wanted to make this manly-look their own.
Two areas where this continuing process is most clearly seen are clothing and music. Some people can still remember a time when T-shirts, jogging clothes, tennis shoes, denim jackets, and blue jeans were not common daily wear everywhere. Only twenty years ago, it was possible to spot an American in Paris by his or her clothes. No longer so: those bright colors, checkered jackets and trousers, hats and socks which were once made fun of in cartoons are back again in Paris as the latest fashion. ______4_______
The situation with American popular music is more complex because in the beginning, when it was still clearly American , it was often strongly resisted. Jazz was once thought to be a great danger to youth and their morals, and was actually outlawed in several countries. Today, while still showing its rather American roots, it has become so well established. Rock ‘n’ roll and all its variations, country & western music, all have more or less similar histories. They were first resisted, often in American as well, as being “low-class,” and then as “a danger to our nation’s youth.” _______5_______ And then the music became accepted and was extended and developed, and exported back to the U.S..
A.As a result, its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten.
B. But this theory fails to explain why American films, music, and television programs are so popular in themselves.
C. American in origin, informal clothing has become the world’s first truly universal style.
D. The BBC,for example, banned rock and roll until 1962.
E. American food has become popular around the world too.
F. This spirit is variously described as being young and free, optimistic and confident, informal and disrespectful.
1.文章标题分析:Happy Birthday to You
The main problem in discussing American popular culture is also one of its main characteristics: it(指代American popular culture) won’t stay American.
A. As a result, its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten.
B. But this theory fails to explain why American films, music, and television programs are so popular in themselves.
C. American in origin, informal clothing has become the world’s first truly universal style.
D. The BBC, for example, banned rock and roll until 1962.
E. American food has become popular around the world too.
F. This spirit is variously described as being young and free, optimistic and confident, informal and disrespectful.
A. As a result, its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten.
B. But this theory fails to explain why American films, music, and television programs are so popular in themselves.
C. American in origin, informal clothing has become the world’s first truly universal style.
D. The BBC, for example, banned rock and roll until 1962.
E. American food has become popular around the world too.
F. This spirit is variously described as being young and free, optimistic and confident, informal and disrespectful.
One theory is that it has been “advertised” and marketed through American films, popular music, and more recently, television. ________1____ They are, after all, in competition with those produced by other countries.
1. B。 分析:空格后出现线索词They,空格前句中出现“One theory is that..”,对比被选项发现B中提到了“this theory(这条理论)”,而且如果B是答案,B有复数词American films, music, television programs与后句中的They呼应。而且“美国电影,音乐,电视节目在和其他国家的同类产品竞争”的含义很通顺,因此判断B是答案。
A. As a result, its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten.
C. American in origin, informal clothing has become the world’s first truly universal style.
D. The BBC, for example, banned rock and roll until 1962.
E. American food has become popular around the world too.
F. This spirit is variously described as being young and free, optimistic and confident, informal and disrespectful.
Another theory, probably a more common one, is that American popular culture is internationally associated with something called “the spirit of America.” ____2____
2. F. 分析:空格前句中提到了“被称作美国精神”,在空格处对前面的该特别的术语(带有引号)进行定义性的说明是常见的逻辑结构。
A. As a result, its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten.
C. American in origin, informal clothing has become the world’s first truly universal style.
D. The BBC, for example, banned rock and roll until 1962.
E. American food has become popular around the world too.
Regardless of why it spreads, American popular culture is usually quite rapidly adopted and then adapted in many other countries. _______3______ “Happy Birthday to You,” for instance, is such an everyday song that its source, its American copyright, so to speak, is not remembered. Black leather jackets worn by many heroes in American movies could be found, a generation later, on all those young men who wanted to make this manly-look their own.
3. A。 分析:空格后句中出现包文章主题的结构“Happy Birthday to You”,并在该句中发现source 和copyright,这两个词与A中的“origins and roots/起源和根”呼应,而且A(结果,美国的起源和源于美国的根往往被很快忘掉了)是观点句,后面出现例子加以说明,这种形式是常见的逻辑发展结构。
C. American in origin, informal clothing has become the world’s first truly universal style.
D. The BBC, for example, banned rock and roll until 1962.
E. American food has become popular around the world too.
Two areas where this continuing process is most clearly seen are clothing and music. Some people can still remember a time when T-shirts, jogging clothes, tennis shoes, denim jackets, and blue jeans were not common daily wear everywhere. Only twenty years ago, it was possible to spot an American in Paris by his or her clothes. No longer so: those bright colors, checkered jackets and trousers, hats and socks which were once made fun of in cartoons are back again in Paris as the latest fashion. ______4_______
4. 分析:空格前句是长句子,从句子中出现的词语(bright colors, checkered jackets and trousers, hats and socks)来看,是在举例,猜测A是答案?(因为这些词语C中的‘非正式的服装’有关),接下来先做第5题。第5题的答案是D,因此现在只有两个选项:C和E。而段落第1句(概括句)说“这个持续的过程能够被最清楚看到的两大领域是服装和音乐” ,因此判断该段文字应该主要讨论“服装和音乐”,因此判断C是答案。
The situation with American popular music is more complex because in the beginning, when it was still clearly American , it was often strongly resisted. Jazz was once thought to be a great danger to youth and their morals, and was actually outlawed in several countries. Today, while still showing its rather American roots, it has become so well established. Rock ‘n’ roll and all its variations, country & western music, all have more or less similar histories. They were first resisted, often in American as well, as being “low-class,” and then as “a danger to our nation’s youth.” _______5_______ And then the music became accepted and was extended and developed, and exported back to the U.S..
5.D.分析:空格前句中看到“他们最初被作为…被拒绝”,“拒绝”与D中的“禁止”呼应, 而D放在空格处正好构成了“观点+例子”的逻辑结构,因此推测D是答案,而且在前文中出现了D中提到的Rock ‘n’ roll,因此判断D是答案
