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2023-12-06 12:53:36 17


1.文章主题分析:The paper Chase
    “Running a house is a lot like running a business.” says Stephanie Denton, a professional organizer based in Cincinnati, Ohio, who specializes in both residential and commercial paperwork and record keeping. To get a successful grip on organizing documents, bills, and other materials, Denton suggests the following tips: 从该句内容可以推测出文章标题“The paper Chase”可能是说如何存放好文件,从而能很容易的找到需要的文件。
A. Find a place to work on
B. Implementing a workable filing system
C. What is a good filing system
D. How to invest in a rolling file cart
E. Get rid of unimportant things
F. Dealing with bills

3. 直接解题:
A. Find a place to work on
B. Implementing a workable filing system
C. What is a good filing system
D. How to invest in a rolling file cart
E. Get rid of unimportant things
F. Dealing with bills
1.  Paragraph 2 ___
Create a space (与A中的place呼应)in which you can always do your paperwork. (祈使句反映作者的态度)This is perhaps the most important element of a successful system. (If you can’t devote an entire desk to the task, at least invest in a rolling file cart to store active paperwork and a two-drawer file cabinet for family records.) (Store the rolling file cart wherever it is most convenient and comfortable to do your work, whether that is the kitchen, office, or family room.)
1.A. 分析:段落中出现了两次rolling file cart,所以首先重点注意D,但涉及到rolling file cart的句子并没有说到“如何投资购买”的问题,所以判断D是干扰项。由于段落一开头就说到“找一个适合你做文字工作的空间”,而段落最后提到“把滚动文件推车放在任何方便你工作的地方”,因此判断A是答案。
B. Implementing a workable filing system
C. What is a good filing system
D. How to invest in a rolling file cart
E. Get rid of unimportant things
F. Dealing with bills
2.  Paragraph 3____
When in doubt, throw it out. (The first step to implementing a workable filing system is to eliminate paper you don’t use, don’t need, or that you could easily access again elsewhere). Throw out duplicate statements, old catalogs, and all of the coupons, mailings, or offerings you’ll never have an opportunity to use or even read.
2.E.分析:段落中近义结构的出现(throw out(出现了两次)和 eliminate(消除))暗示答案应该是E(扔掉不重要的东西)
B. Implementing a workable filing system
C. What is a good filing system
D. How to invest in a rolling file cart
F. Dealing with bills
3.  Paragraph 4 ___
Set aside two days a month to pay bills. (If a monthly due date doesn’t fit into your cycle, call up the creditor (债权人)and suggest a more convenient date.) (Keep two manila folders at the front of your system for current bills –one to correspond with each bill-paying day –and file all incoming bills. (Keep a list in the front of each folder of what needs to be paid in case the invoice never arrives or gets misplaced.)
B. Implementing a workable filing system
C. What is a good filing system
D. How to invest in a rolling file cart
