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2023-12-06 12:52:57 2



Eggs are sold at 95 cents a dozen here.

I bought it for five pounds.


in spite of, despite, for(all…), with(all…)等表示让步意义的介词。其中:despite较为正式,in spite of较为普遍,for/with(all…)较为口语化。

In spite of / despite the bad weather 尽管天气不好

For / with all his shortcomings 尽管他有许多缺点


He gets up early every day except Sunday.

Who would do such a thing but Peter?

Except for和apart from表示不包含的意义,所引导的短语,主要用于状语,以修饰全句,意为“除了有……之外”,“只是……”等,用于引出一个相反的细节或原因,因而部分


Except for Jack, the whole class passed the test.

Apart from its cost, the plan was a good one.

Except for和but for表示不包含的意义,可以引导有否定意义的条件状语从句。

Except for / But for the storm we should have arrived earlier.

except 指从整体中除去一部分,而besides则表示“除……之外还有……”的意义。

Nobody was late except me.

He had few friends besides us.

表示超过或不足的介词有:above, beyond, over, past; below, beneath, under等,如:

beyond description 难以形容

below / under the average 低于平均水平

表示状态的介词有:at, off, in, under, out of等,如:

on fire 着火

off duty 下班

out of fashion 过时

表示支持的with, for和表示反对的against.

I‘m with you in all you say.

Are you for or against the plan?
