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all other possible factors and proving them to be statistically irrelevant. 
5. Apart from the scientific statistics, it might be helpful to look at what smoking tobacco actually does to the human body.
Smoke is a mixture of gases, vaporized chemicals, minute particles of ash, and other solids. There is also nicotine, which is
 a powerful poison, and black tar. As the smoke is breathed in, all these components form deposits on the membranes of the
lungs. One point of concentration is where the air tube, or bronchus, divides. Most lung cancer begins at this point.
6. Smoking also affects the heart and blood vessels. It is known to be related to Beurger’s disease, a narrowing of the small veins in the hands and feet that can cause great pain and lead even to amputation of limbs.
Smokers also die much more often from heart disease.
7. While all tobacco smoking affects life and expectancy and health, cigarette smoking appears to have a much greater effect than
 cigar or pipe smoking. However, nicotine consumption is not diminished by the latter forms, and current research indicates a causal
 relationship between all forms of smoking and cancer of the mouth and throat. Filters and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking
to some extent safer, but they can only marginally reduce, not eliminate the hazards.
