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2023-12-06 12:52:17 8

4. The consequences of the Israeli victory in the Yom Kippur War1 quickly spread to North America when the Organizationof Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) placed an embargo crude oil shipped to the United States. By November 1973 oil supplies were critically low, creating the most acute shortages of energy since World War II. Now the Arab oil embargo, subsequent long gas lines, and complex but fragmented energy projects and regulations demanded bolder action by the President. No longer regional, the energy shortages became nationwide threatened virtually every sector of the economy.


5. In a televised address the energy emergency on November 7, 1973, President Nixon launched Project Independence to achieve energy self-sufficiency by 1980. Urging Americans to lower thermostats, drive cars more slowly, and eliminate unnecessary lighting. Nixon pledged increased funding for energy research and development. Recalling Manhattan Project, which had built the atomic bomb during World War II, and the Apollo Project, which had landed two Americans on the moon in 1969, the President expressed his faith that American science, technology, and industry could free the United States from dependence on foreign oil. Three weeks later, as winter cold began to grip the Northeast, the President reaffirmed Project Independence and announced plans to increase the production of home-heating oils, while reducing gasoline supplies and closing gasoline stations on Sundays. Communities across the Nation reduced holiday lighting and implemented various schemes for pumping short supplies of gasoline. As motorists scrambled for a place in line, in some states matching their license plates to the date on an odd-or-even system, the era of energy affluence ended.

