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superior/inferior to ...
結構︰superior/inferior to…
說明︰此句型意為“優於/劣於…”。這是不規則的<比較><句型>,其後跟 to 代替 than,其他還有“prefer… to…(喜愛…甚於…)”,“senior to ...(年長的)”,“junior to ...(年少的)”等。
I prefer tea to coffee. 茶與咖啡,我較喜歡茶。
I prefer chemistry to physics. 我喜歡化學甚於物理。
He is superior to his brother in mathematics. 他的數學比他兄弟好。
A cheaper camera is not always inferior to a more expensive one.
This plastic is inferior in quality to glass. 這塑膠的質料比玻璃差。
He is senior to me by seven years. 他比我年長七歲。
The president was so young that he was junior to some of his employees.

I am glad to ...
結構︰主詞(人)+be 動詞+情緒形容詞(如 glad,sorry…)+不定詞…。
說明︰<不定詞>放在情緒<形容詞>如 glad,sorry,happy,sad,surprised,troubled等字之後修飾,這是<不定詞>做<副詞>的用法。
I am glad to see him. 我很高興看到他。
Sue was troubled to see trash everywhere. 蘇看到到處是垃圾很苦惱。
Sara was excited to see the rock band. 莎拉看到搖滾樂團很興奮。

... too ... to ...
說明︰此句型意為“太…而(使某人)不能…”。too 為<副詞>,可修飾<副詞>或<形容詞>。too 後也可接含有<形容詞>的單數<名詞>,即“too+<形容詞>+a+單數<名詞>+to-<不定詞>”,也可以是“too much+<不可數名詞>+to…”或“too many+複數<名詞>+to…”。該句型如提到“對某人來說”,則加入“for+人”。該句型表示“否定”的意義,若加上<附加問句>,則須用否定,如例句8。
He walked too slowly to catch up with me. 他走得太慢而不能跟上我。
It is too dark in this room for me to read a book. 房間太暗,使我無法看書。
This problem is too difficult for them to settle. 這對他們來說真是一個難解的問題。
The price is too low for customers to believe. 價格低得令顧客難以相信。
He is too young a boy to do it. 他還太小,無法做這事。
He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us.
He has too many things at his disposal to go home early.
The boy is too young to do it, isn’t he? 這男孩年紀太輕不能做這件事,不是嗎?

I am too glad not to ...
Our professor is too capable not to solve this difficult problem.
This customer is too honest not to deceive us. 這位客戶非常誠實,不會騙我們。
I am too glad not to help the boy.我太樂意了而不能不幫助那男孩--我非常樂意幫助那男孩。
It is never too late to learn. 活到老,學到老。

I am only too ... to ...
結構︰主詞+動詞+only too+形容詞/副詞+to-不定詞
說明︰此句型意為“非常…”。only 除去了 too 的否定意義,only too 相當於 very,very much 等。
I am only too glad to accept your kind invitation. 我非常高興地接受你的邀請。
He is only too willing to serve friends. 他極願為朋友效勞。
I am only too pleased to do business with you. 我能和你做生意,太高興了。

ADJ/ADV + enough to ...
結構︰主詞+動詞+…形容詞/副詞+enough+(for sb.)+to-不定詞
說明︰此句型意為“足以…”。enough 可做<副詞>或<形容詞>用,在此做<副詞>,可修飾<副詞>或<形容詞>,恆置於被修飾的<副詞>或<形容詞>之後。
We need several men strong enough to do the work.
They bought a house large enough for ten persons to live in.
He is competent enough to fill that position. 他足以勝任那職位。
He ran fast enough to catch the thief. 他跑得飛快,足以抓住那小偷。
Our teacher is old enough to retire. 我們老師年紀已夠得上退休了。
The assignment is few enough to be finished within half an hour.
