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2023-12-06 12:51:54 8

... only to do ...
He studied hard only to fail in the exam. 他這麼用功,結果竟然考場失利。
He rushed all the way to the station only to miss the train.
He tried a second time only to fail again. 他再試一次,竟然還是失敗。
He tried to increase his income by gambling only to plunge more deeply into the mire.
I went out, merely to get caught in a shower. 我跑出去,結果徒然碰到一場驟雨。

... have only to do ...
結構︰have only+to-不定詞…
說明︰此句型意為“只需…就夠了”。相當於“All one has to do ...”或“What one has to do ...”。
You have only to sit there and watch what I am doing. 你只要坐在這裡,看著我做就行了。
Don’t worry; you have only to sing a song to please her.
You have only to go. 你只要去即可。
You have only to ask and he’ll tell you. 你只要問他,他就會告訴你。

... never to do ...
He went on a journey when he was 18 years old, never to come back.
He went off to the war never to return alive. 他去參加戰爭,沒能活著回來。
She left her husband, never to come back. 她離開了她丈夫,再也沒回來。

make/have sb. do sth.
說明︰此句型意為“要/囑咐/叫…”。<使役動詞>中,make、have、bid、let 等字加了<受詞>之後,要接原形<動詞>做<受詞補語>,與使用<分詞>相比,<不定詞>原形重點在事實。變成<被動語態>時,該<受詞補語>要變成<不定詞片語>。但是 have 當<使役動詞>時,無<被動語態>。
I made him do it. 我叫他做這事。
I let him do it. 我讓他做這事。
They had/made the girl clean the floor. 他們叫這個女孩打掃地板。
The mother bade the child behave himself. 媽媽叮嚀孩子要守規矩。
He was bidden to finish the work on schedule. 我要他按時完成工作。
My father will probably have Tom paint the house green.
He had me help him with his homework. 他叫我幫忙他做家庭作業。

... want/like to do ...
說明︰常以<不定詞>作為<受詞>的<及物動詞>有:like(喜歡),want(想要),try(設法), love(喜愛),hate(討厭),forget(忘記),begin(開始),start(開始),need(必須)。
Some students hate to study English. 有些學生不喜歡研讀英語。
You need to study in a quiet place. 你必須在一個安定的地方讀書。
He likes to go to the movie. 他喜歡去看電影。
She wants to help Mary. 她想要幫助瑪麗。

... want/ask sb. to do ...
結構︰主詞+want/ask/tell 等+受詞+to-不定詞
說明︰<不定詞>放在<受詞>的後面,用於補充說明<受詞>的動作,叫做“<受詞補語>”;當<不定詞>要表達“不要做某事”的意思時,則須採用<不定詞>的<否定式>,即直接在<不定詞>前加 not。常用的此類<動詞>有 want,get,compel,expect,ask,would like,advise,urge,wish,tell,allow,permit,trouble,help,teach 等。
