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 happen/chance to ...
A friend of his happened to be sitting in a railroad-coach next to a young man who was obviously depressed.
We happened to meet at the station. 我們碰巧在火車站相遇。
He happened to be sleeping. 他碰巧在睡覺。
I chanced to be thinking of the same thing. 我碰巧想到同樣的事。

... is said to ...
結構︰主詞+is said+to-不定詞…
說明︰此句型意為“據說…(現在)是…”。而“is said to have been ...”是“據說…(以前)是…”。
His music is said to be “good”or “great”. 他的音樂據說是“好”或“了不起”。
He is said to have been the richest man in Taiwan. 據說他以前是台灣最有錢的人。
They are said to build a hospital here. 據說他們要在這裡蓋一家醫院。

... be bound to ...
結構︰主詞+be bound+to-不定詞
說明︰此句型意為“一定…”。“be bound to V”是“be sure to V(一定)”之意,而“be bound for”是“前往”之意。
Something is bound to happen one way or another to end the conflict or solve the problem.
He is bound to come tonight. 他今天晚上一定會來。
If so, your points of view are bound to conflict with his.

... do all one can to ...
結構︰主詞+do all one can to-不定詞…
說明︰此句型意為“盡一切可能來…”。注意 do 和 can 的<時態>要保持一致。
Daddy did all he could to fill my needs and desires.爸爸盡一切可能來滿足我的需求和慾望。
You should do all you can to persuade him. 你應該盡一切可能來說服他。
We have done all we could to catch up with them. 我們已經盡了一切可能來趕上他們。

have sth. to do with ...
結構︰... have something/nothing to do with ...
說明︰此句型意為“…與…有/無關係”。這是包含不定式的習慣用法。隨著“有關係”的程度, something 可改為 little,much,a great deal 等。have nothing to do with表示否定;have anything to do with 用於<疑問句>中。
Her diligence must have something to do with his success.
The traffic accident had nothing to do with him. 這交通事故和他一點關係也沒有。
His wife had much to do with his bankruptcy. 他的破產和他的妻子很有關係。
