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2023-12-06 12:51:53 1
feel/make ... V-ing/V-ed
結構︰keep/make/hear 等+受詞+現在分詞/過去分詞
說明︰<動詞> keep,find 或<使役動詞> make,let,get 等,以及<感官動詞> hear,see,watch,feel 等後的<受詞補語>若強調正在進行的概念,且有主動意味時,以現在<分詞>表示;若有被動意味時,則以“being+過去<分詞>”表示,均譯成“正在…”。若要強調被動且已發生的概念,則用過去<分詞>做<補語>,譯成“被…”。
At last I succeeded in getting my car moving slowly.最後,我終於成功地讓我的車子慢慢移動。
We saw him watering the lawn around the house. 我們看見他在為屋子四周的草坪澆水。
Have you heard the opera sung in French? 你聽過用法語唱的這場歌劇嗎?
I felt something crawling up my arm. 我感覺到有什麼東西爬上我的手臂。
I saw him being punished by the teacher. 我看到他正被老師處罰。
I saw the boy carried away to the hospital. 我看到那個男孩被抬去醫院。
I found the work being done in a rush. 我發現這件作品正倉促地被完成。
... get(s) V-ed/ADJ
說明︰此句型意為“某人變成…”。get+<形容詞>(過去<分詞>)的常見用例有:get old(年紀大), get hungry(肚子餓),get angry(生氣),get sick(生病),get fat(發胖), get tired(疲倦),get lost(迷路),get confused(困惑),get hurt(受傷), get excited(興奮),get ready(準備好)。
John got lost. 約翰迷路了。
Mary gets tired of wearing red dresses. 瑪麗厭倦穿紅色衣服。
The question is so hard, and we’re getting confused. 這問題太難,我們感到困惑。
... have/get sth. done
說明︰此句型意為“把…(辦完)”。make 之後的<受詞>習慣上是“人”而非“物”;但 have 和 get 後的<受詞>在此 <句型>中是“物”,有“叫別人代勞”的意味,即做事的人並非<主詞>,而是別人。
Be sure to get the work finished before six o’clock. 務必在六點之前把工作完成。
Are you going to get the house painted green? 你打算要把房子漆成綠色嗎?
I want to get/have these shoes mended. 我想把這些鞋子修補一下。
He has been unable to raise enough money to have the big clock repaired.
I’ll have it sent right away. 我會立刻把它(拍送)出去。
Have it charged to my credit card. 把它記在我的信用卡的帳號裡。
I cannot make myself understood in English.
I had my tooth extracted. (=I had the dentist extract my tooth.)
Sth. is being + V-ed ...
結構︰主詞+is being+過去分詞…
Money is being used in place of something more direct.金錢正在被更直接地用來取代某種東西。
The machine is being experimentally used. 這些機器正在被實驗地使用著。
The problems are being discussed. 這些問題正在被討論著。
... go + V-ing ...
說明︰此句型意為“從事…”。go 之後的現在<分詞>通常是運動類的<動詞>,如:fishing(釣魚),boating(划船),skating(溜冰),skiing(滑雪),hunting(打獵),mountain climbing(爬山), shopping(購物)等。
Sometimes Mr. Black went swimming with the children.有時布拉克先生和這些小孩去游泳。
We went fishing yesterday and I caught three fish. 我們昨天去釣魚,而我釣了三條。
I find it interesting and healthy to go mountain climbing. 我覺得爬山有趣又有益健康。
The American housewife probably goes shopping only once or twice a week.
You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend.
the + V-ing/V-ed/ADJ
說明︰<形容詞>,包括可做<形容詞>的<分詞>,前面加<冠詞> the,可當複數<名詞>用,表示“全體”的意思,其後的<動詞>用複數形。常用的有:the wounded(所有受傷的人),the handicapped(所有殘障者),the rich(有錢人),the dead(所有已死的人),the dying(所有垂死的人),the unknown(所有未知之事)等。
The rich are not necessarily happy. 有錢人未必快樂。
The oppressed were free after the coup. 被壓迫的人民,在政變之後獲得自由。
The dying were rushed to the hospital. 垂死的人被急速送往醫院。
During the depression, millions of the unemployed wandered around in the streets.
