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I cannot but + V ...
結構︰主詞+cannot+but/choose but/help but+原形動詞
說明︰此句型意為“不得不…”。but 後只能跟原形<動詞>。
I cannot but admire his wise plan. 我不得不讚美他的計劃。
They cannot (choose) but admit that our requirement is reasonable.
I could not (help) but laugh. 我不禁笑出來。

It is not uncommon for ...
結構︰It is not uncommon for+名詞+to-不定詞…
說明︰此句型意為“…並非不常見”。not uncommon 是雙重否定,表肯定。it 是虛<主詞>。
It is not uncommon for parents to put a newborn in a separate room.
It is not uncommon for women to smoke in public. 婦女在大眾面前抽煙並非不常見。
It is not uncommon for people to jaywalk. 人們任意穿越馬路並非不常見。

I am anything but ...
結構︰主詞+be 動詞+anything but+名詞/形容詞…
說明︰此句型意為“絕非…”。等於 far from。後面跟<名詞>或<形容詞>做 be <動詞>的<補語>。
He is anything but a scholar. 他絕非學者。
He is anything but diligent. 他一點也不勤奮。
The man was anything but rich. 這人絕不是個富翁。
He was anything but a hero. 他絕不是一個英雄。
It is anything but complete. 這並未完成。
Climbing Mt. Everest is anything but a pleasure trip. 登聖母峰絕不是一次輕鬆的旅途。
His visit to Paris was anything but a success. 他的巴黎之行根本不成功。

I am in no way ...
結構︰主詞+動詞+含否定意義的片語(in no way/by no means 等)…
說明︰此類<片語>有 in no way,by no means,in no wise,on no account 等,譯為“決不;毫不”。如因強調而置於句首,則要採用倒裝句構。
I am in no way to blame. 我一點也沒錯。
It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. 要滿足每一個人絕非易事。
He will in no wise give up any chances to get a better job.
On no account (do you) forget to lock the door. 千萬別忘了鎖門。

I am not in the least ...
結構︰主詞+be 動詞+not+in the least…
I am not in the least tired. 我一點也不疲倦。
He is not in the least kind. 他心腸一點都不好。
I was not surprised in the least. 我一點也不感到驚訝。
The shop assistant was not in the least afraid of the trouble. 那店員一點也不怕麻煩。

I am no + N ...
結構︰... no+名詞…
說明︰no 通常當形容詞,後面須接名詞;no的後面不可緊接a,an,any,many,much等字。
We feel that life is no laughing matter. 我們覺得人生絕非是開玩笑的事情。
Mr. Chen used no (didn’t use any) chemicals on his fruit. 陳先生的水果不使用農藥。
Tony used no reference books in class. 托尼上課時不使用參考書。
It is no joke. 這絕非是開玩笑。
This is no fact. 這絕非是事實。
That’s no lie! 那絕不是謊話!
He is no writer. 他絕不是作家。
Tom is no coward. 湯姆絕不是懦夫。
