
: 英语巴士网英语考试TOEFL托福英语英语考试内容详情


2023-12-06 12:41:13 17


2、答题界面大不同新托福改变旧托福一味强迫考生纯粹用耳朵接受信息,用眼睛扫描选项的抽象界面,代之以大量相关图片配合声音资料,活化题目场景,加强考生的理解程度。例如下面这幅图片明显表明是一位教授与一个女生在办公室里的一段对话: 上海新东方专家揭秘新托福听力—上


5、听力内容“五大变化” 从内容上看,旧托福的听力由三部分构成。Section A包括30个短对话, Section B和Section C分别由两个长对话和三个课堂教学段落构成,每段长度不会超过3分钟。三部分加起来共50个题目,每题1—2分,共68分。题目之间间隔12秒,整个听力部分用时30到35分钟。新托福则大不同。主要体现在以下五个方面:


Eg:Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor.
Student :Hi, Professor Johnson.
Professor:Hi, Anna. What can I do for you?
Student :Remember, I e-mailed you about getting the handouts from the class I missed the other day, and you said I could stop by and pick them up today.
Professor:Oh, that’s right. You know, that’s the fourth class you’ve missed this semester, and that’s not doing your grade any good. I assume you had a good reason for being out...
Student :I know, I really hated to miss another class, but I had the flu, and I could hardly get out of bed. That’ll be the last class I miss, though. I promise.
Professor:[accepting her promise] Okay... [sincerely] So how are you feeling now—are you all recovered?
Student:Well, I’m still not quite a hundred per cent, but I’m feeling much better than I did a few days ago.
Professor:Well, that’s good. Okay, uh… [regaining train of thought] oh yes, the handouts. There were three of them, and I’ll get those for you in just a minute. They’re pretty self-explanatory, but if you have any questions, just send me an e-mail. But...
Student :[interrupting] Okay, thank you.
Professor:Sure. Uh, but we also watched a video, and we’ll be having an essay question about it on the next exam, so, [searching for a solution] uh… [thinking] Hmmm…Do you have a VCR at home?
Student:Actually, I don’t, but I do have access to one.
Professor :Okay…Well I can lend it you, but the only thing is, you’d have to watch it tonight and get it back to me early tomorrow, because I’m going to be showing it in the other section of that class tomorrow afternoon.
Student:That’d be great.
Professor:But you realLy have to get it back to me tomorrow before my class.
Student:No problem. I can drop it off first thing in the morning if you’d like.
Professor:Okay... [changing his mind]  You know what? How about if we do it this way. I’ll keep it for now and show it in my class tomorrow, and uh then you can drop by here and pick it up on Friday morning and keep it for the whole weekend, and just bring it with you when you come to class next week. How does that sound? Uh then you’ll have a couple of days to watch it, and you won’t have to worry about getting it back here tomorrow.
Student:[checking her schedule in her mind] Let’s see, Friday morning... [turning happy when she realizes she can do it] Yeah, that’ll work.
Professor:Excellent. I’ll be here from about ten to eleven thirty.
Student:[leaving]Great. I’ll see you then.
Professor:Uh, just a second. Let me get you those handouts.
Student:Oh, yeah. Thank you.

3)、篇幅长度大不同。新托福的长对话和课堂演讲的时间都不同程度的增长,平均在4-6分钟左右,细节较多,容易遗忘,而且语速为normal speed,达到本土话,每分钟140-220个字节。很明显,这意味着新托福对考生在耐力、理解力和反应速度方面提出了更为严苛的要求。



