
: 英语巴士网英语考试TOEFL托福英语英语考试内容详情


2023-12-06 12:40:49 19
韩国 汉城6.4 TSE 考题 
1. 一名男子在河中划船, 一名女子在岸边看书。 
2. 风起,女子帽子掉到河中。 
3. 女子向河中男子招收,请求帮忙。 
4. 男子划船将帽子拾起,递给岸边女子。 
5. 女子试一试帽子,但是好像不能带了。 
6. 于是,将帽子上的花摘下,带在头顶,帽子扔了。 

记得不太清楚,更杜老书中,who as whom out for a date 类似。 
1. According to the chart, more and more people tend to use the computers, especially the young people, please explain why? 
2. the disadvantage and advantage of help others? 
3. one client complains to you, she ordered the textbook for introduction to English and history, but your bookstore sent her biology book, since the class her class already has begun for one week, she really worried about the current situation, give you opinion and solving method. 

4. give your report to your boss about the process of current telephone replacing program. 
1. telephone : company is short of telephones, but they will send to us on Monday. 
2. installation schedule: finish 
3. training schedule: finish, each department select one and train that guy how to use new telephone system. 
4. distribute the telephone number to officer: once install, everyone will get. 
5. upload the telephone directory : will do it soon 

1. 建议每一道题回答前,都有几十秒不等的时间,应该好好利用上,想好自己要答得问题。 
2. 杜老的书绝对应该很熟练,不过还需要多练习,使自己能灵活变通,我考前将TOEFL 的185 篇作文全部练习了几篇,任何一篇均可以随口回答出来。这样考试的时候, 自己回答问题是,就比较娴熟。你不能期望,运气好能碰到自己准备的题,但是 熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会吟。 祝大家好运。
