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Unit 9 

coterminous a.毗连的;有共同边界的 [也写作contermious, con+term边界,结束;terminate结束]
couch n.床;睡椅;麦牙糖 [var of QUITCH =quitch grass 茅草]

counterfeit a.n.v.假冒的;伪作;骗子 [countrefet, -fait, pp. of contrefaire]

countermand v.撤回;取消 [contremander contramandare(CONTRA-,mandare order)]

counterpart n.相对物;极相似之物 [counterpane(装饰用的)床罩,床单 counterpiston 逆活塞]

coupling n.联结;联合体

covenant n.契约;盟约 [ pres part of co(n)venir, formed as CONVENE召集;集合]

covert a.暗地的;隐藏的 [ covert  of covrir COVER]

covetous a.贪婪的 [coveitous Gallo-Roman be ~ of another person's]

property 贪图他人财产

cower v.畏缩;退缩 [kuren lie in wait COW 恐吓;威胁]

coxcomb n.纨裤子弟;花花公子[鸡冠花(cockscomb)= cock's comb(see COCK), orig(a cap worn by)a]

jester(尤指中世纪王侯、贵族所豢 养的)小丑,弄臣

coy a.害羞的

cozen v.欺骗 [16th-c perh rel to COUSIN 堂兄弟(姊妹) cozen a person of (out of)something=~ something of (out of) a] [person 骗取某人的某物 cozenage 欺骗,哄骗]

cozy a.温暖而舒适的 [同COSY a ~ little restaurant 舒适雅致的小餐厅 cozy up to aperson(美口语)博取<某人>的欢心, 好]<[某人>]

crabbed a.乖戾的;暴躁的 [CRAB, assoc with CRAB 蟹]

cracker n.爆竹,摔爆;一种装有糖果

cram v.填塞;仓促用功 [crammian cramming adj]

cranky a.胡思乱想的;发疯的 [perh obs crank rogue feigning sickness CRANK曲柄;弯曲,虚浮的委婉话]

crass a.粗鲁的;愚蠢的 [ crassus solid, thick]

craven a.懦弱的 [ crepare burst;assim to ]

crease n.v.皱痕;(使)起皱痕

credence n.相信 [credentia credere believe]

credo n.信条 [= I believe]

credulity n.轻信;易信 [ credulus credere believe]

creed n.教义;信条 [ creda  CREDO]

creek n.小湾;小溪 [kreke(or crike by lengthening)]

crepuscular a.在晨曦时刻活动的 [ crepusculumtwilight(日出前的)微明,晓光;曙光;(较常指日落后的)黄昏,薄暮]

crestfallen a.垂头丧气的 [CREST鸡冠+FALLEN]

crevice n.裂缝;破口 [ crevace

cringe n.v.畏缩;奉承 [ crenge, crenche,  cringan, crincan: CRANK脾气暴躁的

cringing 谄媚的;奉承的

cripple n.跛子;残废的 [ crypel, rel to CREEP 爬行,匍匐]

crisp a.脆的;活泼的 [ crispus curled卷曲]

criterion n.标准;定规 [ kriterion means of judging(cf CRITIC)]

crooked a.有钩的;弯曲的;秘密造的 [CROOK, prob after  crook屈曲,弯曲部;曲柄拐杖]

cross a.不高兴的 [ cros kross cros crux cruc-]

crotchety a.思想奇怪的;怪僻的 [CROTCHET奇想;反复无常+-Y]crude a.未提炼的;生的;粗野 [ crudus raw, rough crudity 未成熟;生硬;粗杂;粗糙粗野的行为 (言辞)]
