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effusive a.流出的;感情横溢的

egoism n.自私;自负;自我主义 [F egoisme ult<modL egoismus(EGO(<L."我")1(哲心理)自我(口语)自大;自尊心]

egotism n.自负;自大 [EGO+-ISM with intrusive -t-]

egregious a.非常的;过分的 [L egregius illustrious, lit 'standing out from the flock'<grex gregis flock]

egress n.出去;出口 [L egressus<egredi egress-(E-, gradi to step)]

ejaculation n.绝叫;失声 [L ejaculari to dart(E-, jaculum javelin标枪) ejaculate 突然叫出来,忽然说出来;射出(液体)]

elaborate v.尽心竭力地做 [L elaboratus pp. of elaborare(E-, labor work)]

elasticity n.弹性;伸缩力 [modL elasticus<Gk elastikos propulsive<elauno drive elastic有弹性的,伸缩自如的 an ~ string 松紧带]

elicit v.诱出;引出 [L elicere elicit-(E-, lacere entice)]

eliminate v.消除 [L eliminare(E-, limen liminis threshold(<OE "踩踏物")门槛;入口 (事物的) 开始,开端(of) He is on the ~] of [adulthood]

elite n.精华;精锐;社会名流

eloquent a.雄辩的;富于表现力的 [L eloqui(E-, loqui speak)ELOQUENCE雄辩,口才]

elucidate v.阐明;说明 [LL elucidare(E-, LUCID透明的;透彻的)]

elude v.躲避;困惑

[L eludere elus-(E-, ludere play)~ pursuit 逃避追踪 ~ the law 逃避法网 ~ a person's understanding<问 题等>叫人无法捉 摸,令人困惑

elusive a.难懂的;难捉摸的 [an ~ answer 遁辞 track down an ~ fact 追查难以明了的事实]

emaciated a.瘦弱的;憔悴的 [L emaciare emaciat-(E-, macies leanness)]

emanate v.流出;发散 [L emanare flow out]

emancipate v.解放;解除 [L emancipare transfer property(E-, manus hand+capere take)]

embargo v.n.禁止通商;妨害 [Sp<embargar arrest<Rmc(IN-, BAR禁止)]

embed v.埋藏;埋入;深留心中 [The scene was embedded in his memory 那一幕情景 深深地留在他的记忆]

embellish v.装饰;布置 [ME<OF embellir(EN-, bel handsome<L bellus)]

embezzlement n.盗用;私用 [em+bezzle破坏 EMBEZZLE盗用;侵吞]

emblazon v.饰以纹章 [同BLAZON以纹章装饰]

emblem n.v.象徵;典型;寓意画 [ME<L emblema<Gk emblema -matos insertion<emballo throw in(EN-, ballo throw)emblematic -ical a]象 [的]

embody v.具体化;使成一体;编入 [embodiment赋与形体,具体化]

emboss v.雕成;使浮凸起 [ME,<OF(EN-, BOSS)]

embroil v.拖累;牵连;卷入纠纷 [F embrouiller(EN-, BROIL争吵;对骂]

embryonic a.胚胎的 [EN-, bruo swell增大,膨胀, grow)embryo n]

emend v.修正;校订 [ME<L emendare(E-, menda fault)emendation n]
