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2023-12-06 12:39:42 10


a beam of light 一束光
a blast of 一阵风
a burning desire 强烈的愿望
a cluster of 一群;一组
a column of water 水柱
a constant temperature恒温
a crew of 一组(工作人员)
a crushing blow 毁来性的打击
a favorite topic 爱谈论的话题
a grain of truth 一丝真理
a great many 许多
a great variety of 各种各样的;大量的
a gust of wind 一阵狂风
a host of 许多;一大群
a household word 家喻户晓的(名)字
a mess of 一大堆
a rule of thumb 概测法
a series of 一系列
a set of 一套
a speck of 一点点
a strip of 一条
a suite of 一系列;一套
a variety of 各种各样;不同种类
a wealth of 大量的
accomodate to 适应
account for 解释,说明
accuse sb. of... 指控某人...
acid rain 酸雨
adapt to 适应
add to 加;增加
add up to 总共达到
adjust to 适应...
advanced composition 高级写作
air current 气流
all but 几乎;差不多
all night long 整晚
along with 一道;一起
amine acid 氨基酸
amount to 合计
an array of 大量的
and the like 等等,以及诸如此类
apart from 除...之外
appeal to sb. 吸引某人
apply to 适用于
arctic (tern) 北极(燕鸥)
arouse controversy 引起争议
arrive at 达到,作出
as a result 结果;其结果是
as a result of 其结果是
as a rule 通常,一般说来
as follows 如下
as such 就其本身而言;如所指的人(或物)那样
as the case might be 或许
as the name suggests 顾名思义
as well as 也;和
as with 与...一样
