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2023-12-06 12:39:31 11


earn the name of 获得...的(美)名
elective system 选修制
electric current 电流
electric eel 电鳗
electric resistance 电阻
electric traction line电车线
electric trolley 电车
electromagnetic spectrum电磁光谱
emission control 废气排出控制
empty...of... 使...失去
in route from...to...从...到...的途中
end in 以...告终
endangered species 濒临灭绝的物种
energy content 能量
enter a race 参加比赛
entrance requirement 入学要求(条件)
environmental concerns环境问题
equilateral triangle 等边三角形
every item of dress 每件衣服
every walk of life 各行各业
exercise one's activity活动
exocrine gland 外分泌腺
expansion program 扩建工程
exploratory trip 考察旅行
fade away 逐渐消失
fail to do sth. 未能做
fall in between 介于两者之间
fall in steps with 与...齐步行进
fall into 分成
fall short of 未达到;辜负
far beyond the planets远离行星的
fasten to 固定在... 上
fatten sth up 使...长肥
fault system 断层系统
feed on 以...为生
fertilized eggs 受精卵
fill in 填充
fill out 扩大
fill up 填补
fishing enthusiast 钓鱼爱好者
fit (fill) the bill 符合要求,适合要求
flash out 辐射;照射
flies in amber 珍奇遗物
flour sack 面粉袋
focus on 以...为焦点;集中于
follow close to the line of严格遵守
follow suit 学样,照着做
food processing 进食
for a time 一段时期
for the most part 多半;通常;在极大程度上
for the remainder of 余下的岁月里
for the time 在当时
fossil fuel 化石燃料
