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2023-12-06 12:39:22 6
stock exchange 股票交易
stretch out 伸出
strike a serious blow at严重打击
string instrument 弦乐器
subduction zone 潜没区域
subject matter 创作的题材
subject of much debate有争议的问题
subject to 易受...的
substitute A for B 用A代替B
succeed in 取得成功
sum total 总数,总额
sum up 总结
Superintendent of Indian Affa印第安事务大臣
superior to 比...优越(好)
susceptible to 易受...影响的
swarm of 大群
switch to 转变
switch to oils 改画油画
synonymous with 与...同义
table salt 精制食盐
take a step 迈出一步
take advantage of 利用
take care of 处理
take charge of 负责;主管
take control of 控制
take hold 抓住;扛着
take issue with 与...争论
take measures 采取措施
take note of 作记录
take on 承担, 呈现
take over 接办,接管
take sth. for granted视...为理所当然
take sth. Seriously 严肃对待...
take the offensive on all fro全面发起进攻
take to 形成...的习惯;开始喜欢
take up 着手处理;论及
take...for subject matter把...作为题材
taken in this sense 从这个意义上去理解
tally book 记录本;记账本
target discrimination on...把对...的歧视作为目标
target organ 目标器官
technological base 技术基础
teeth root 牙根
Ten Commandments 十戒
tend to 倾向于
tens of thousands of 千百万
testify to 说明,表明
the human race 人类
the overwhelming majority绝大多数
the spot of earth 地方
the turn of the century本世纪初
theater critic 剧评家
theory of probability概率论
thin out 变稀薄;变淡
This World 本界
throw off 摆脱
