
: 英语巴士网英语考试TOEFL托福英语英语考试内容详情



nausea::::feeling of sickness

neglect::::pay no attention to

nocturnal::::of or in the night

obese:::: very fat

obsolete::::no longer useful, outdated

perch:::: take up a high position

pervade::::spread through every part of

petulant::::unreasonably impatient or irritable

pillage::::plunder (esp in war)

presumptuous::too bold or self-confident

quashed ::::annuled

quenching:: satisfy, put an end to, put out

refurbished:: make clean, as if like new

rejoicing::::happiness, joy

reticent::::in the habit of saying little

reverberate be sent back, again and again

rigor::::::sternness, strictness, severe conditions

rotundity::::state of being round

salvage::::the saving of property from loss

scattered::::not situated together

shatter::::to break into many pieces

shunned::::avoided, kept away from

sketchy::::shortly, roughly, quickly

sporadic::::happening from time to time

stifled::::suppressed, kept back

strive::::to make great efforts, to struggle

subsequent:: following

succumb::::yield, die

taciturn::::unspoken, silent

tantalize::::raise hopes that cannot be realized

tentative::::uncertain, probable

torpid::::dull and slow

treacherous not to be trusted, perfidious


tyro::::::a beginner

uproar::::noise and excitement

vanity::::a foolish pride

vehemence:: forcefulness; intensity; conviction


vindicate::::prove the truth

voluptuous:: arousing sensual pleasures

wan::::::looking ill, not bright

wile::::::a trick

wrinkle::::make small lines (eg forehead)
