
: 英语巴士网英语考试TOEFL托福英语英语考试内容详情

托福考试词汇备考资料:Top 100 Words2


docile: easily trained or controlled

doleful: dismal, mourful

drought: a long period of dry weather

dubious: feeling doubt dumbfound astonish

efface: rub or wipe out, obliterate

elucidate: to make understandable

enchant: charm, delight

endeavor to make an effort, to try very hard

endorse: approve, support a claim or statement

enthral: take the whole attention, enslave

exploit: to use for selfish advantage or profit

extensive: far-reaching

extol: to praise highly

flimsy: lacking solidarity, strength

fraud:  a fault, a deception

gaudy:  too bright and showy

ghastly: death-like, pale and ill

grumble: to complain

harass: worry, trouble

heretic: very busy; active

impediment smth that hinders (esp in speech) indigenous native

insatiate: never satisfied

intrepid: fearless

irate: angry

jeopardy: danger

leash:  control

loafer: an idle, lazy person

lucrative: profitable

lustrous: bright; shining

malign: to slander
