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belligerent a.交战的 [belligerare wage war bellum war+gerere wage]

bellow v.吼叫声;咆哮 [ perh. rel. to BELL]

belly n.腹;胃;食欲;鼓胀 [belig (orig. = bag) ]

belongings n.pl.财产;附属物;家眷

bemoan v.悲叹 [牢骚,悲叹,哀悼]

benediction n.祝福;恩赐 [benedictio -onis benedicere -dict- bless]

benefactor n.施主;捐助人

beneficial a.有益的;有利的;慈善的 [BENEFICE 圣俸(在英国国教为vicar或rector之收入)]

beneficiary n.受益人 [ beneficiarius(BENEFICE)]

benevolent a.慈善的;和蔼可亲的 [ bene volens -entis well wishing


benighted a.蒙昧的;被黑暗笼罩的 [obs benight 使陷入黑暗;使愚昧;使无知]

benign a.亲切的;良好的 [ benigne bene well genus born benignity亲切,仁慈]

benison n.祝福 [ benein  benedictio -onis]

benumb v.使麻痹;使昏迷不醒 [ niman take]

bequeath v.遗赠;留传 [ becwethan(cwethan say: cf QUOTH)bequest遗赠;遗产]

bequest n.遗赠;遗赠物 [quiste -cwiss, cwide saying]

berate v.痛骂 [BE-+RATE严斥,斥责,骂 严斥(人),谩骂(at)]

bereave v.夺取 [ bereafian(REAVE掠夺;劫夺;窃夺]

bereft a.被剥夺的 [pp. of BEREAVE]

berserk a.疯狂的 [bern- BEAR+serkr coat; go ~ 发狂send a person ~ 使人狂暴]

berth n.v.睡床;停泊处;停泊 [BEAR 开花;结实("搬运")生儿女;具有,带有]

beseech v.恳求;哀恳 [secan SEEK]

beset v.包围 [ besettan]

besiege v.围 [assiege by substitution of asegier]

besmear v.涂;搽脏 [SMEAR)]

besmirch v.污;糟蹋 [BE-+ SMIRCH 弄脏;玷污;污点]

besom n.扫把 [besema]

bespeak v.指出 [ bisprecan(SPEAK)]

bestial a.残忍的;野蛮的 [bestialis bestia beast]

bestow v.赠与;利用 [stow a place]

bestride v.跨骑 [ bestridan]

betimes ad.早;及时;不久;有时 [betime(BY, TIME)]

betoken v.表示 [OE(tacnian signify: TOKEN记号;证据(of);纪念品]

betray v.背叛;出卖;泄露 [tray, tradere hand over]

betroth v.订婚 [trouthe, TRUTH, later assim to TROTH真实,誓言;婚约]

beverage n.饮料 [ bevrage,  bibere drink]

bevy n.一群鸟;一群人
