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Unit 7

cab n.v.计乘车;驾驶室;自修书 [abbr. of CABRIOLET]

cabal n.派系;阴谋 [cabalemedL cabala, CABBALA 犹太教的神秘哲学 秘法,秘教]

cache n.隐藏所 [cacher to hide]

cachet n.封印 [cacher press  coactare constrain]

cackle v.呵呵笑 [ probMLG,  kakelen(imit)]

cacodemon n.恶灵;恶鬼;恶人 [ kakodaimon kakos bad + daimon spirit]

cacography n.拼错字;抄错;拙劣的书法 [ kakos bad, after orthography]

cacology n.措辞不当;发音不正 [ cacologia  kakologia vituperation kakos bad]

cacophony n.不调和的声音 [kakos bad+phone sound]

cad n.下流的男人;粗鄙的人 [abbr of CADDIE球童 in sense 'odd-job man']

cadaver n.人之尸体 [cadere fall cadaverous死尸一样的;憔悴的]

cadence n.韵律;调子 [cadenza, ult cadere fall]

cadet n.陆海空军校学生;实习生 [Gascon dial capdet, ult caput head]

cadge v.行乞勒索(金钱等);行商 [bind, carry]

cajole v.以甜言蜜语诱惑欺骗 [cajoler]

calamity n.灾难;吹毛求疵的人 [calamitous 造成灾祸的 calamity howler 杞人忧天者;悲观论者 Calamity Jane 患难珍妮 (原名Martha] [Jane Canary(Burke)1852-1902,美国拓荒女英雄)]

caliber n.才干;才能;口径;器量 [同CALIBRE]

calligraphy n.书法 [call=kallos beauty+graphy]

calliope n.蒸汽琴;汽笛风琴 [ Kalliope muse of epic ptry(lit 'beautiful-voiced')]

callous a.无情的;结硬块的[ callosus(CALLUS)or F calleux callus老茧;愈合组织,肉状体 callosity皮肤硬化,老茧,胼胝;无 感觉;无情

callow a.未成长的 [calu]

calorific a.生热的 [ calorificuscalor heat caloric 热(的)]

calumny n.诽谤;谗言 [calumniate诽谤;中伤]

cameo n.有浮雕的宝石 [ camahieu and medL cammaeus]

camouflage n.v.伪装;掩饰;隐瞒;欺瞒 [f camoufler disguiseIt camuffare disguise,deceive]

canard n.虚报;谣言

candor n.坦白;率真

canker n.弊病 [cank螃蟹]

canny a.精明的;节俭的 [CAN(in sense 'know')+-Y]

canon n.宗教法规;教士;经典 [ kanon, in ME alsoAF & OF canun, -on;in sense canonieecclL canonicus: cf] [CANONICAL根据教会法的;正规的,标准的]

cant n.黑话;伪善之言 [MEMLG kant, kante, MDu cant, point, side, edge, ult cant(h)us iron tire]

cantata n.清唱剧 [cant=cantare sing]

canter n.慢步小跑 [short for Canterbury(坎特布里,英国大教堂)pace, from the supposed easy pace of medieval pilgrims to] [Canterbury]

canto n.长诗中的章

canvass v.细究;讨论;检票 [orig = toss投掷,摇荡 in a sheet, agitate 摇动 CANVAS 帆布,油画]
