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celibate a.独身的 [caelebs -ibis unmarried;celibacy 独身生活(尤指修道者立下宗教誓约而遵守的)]

censor n.检查员 [ censere assess cencorous 好批评的, 好吹毛求疵者 censorship检查;监察;检察官之职]

censure v.责备 [ censuracensere assess 核定税额、罚款额等,评定(at)]

centaur n.人首马身的怪物 [ centaurusGk kentauros]

centigrade n.摄氏温标 [ centum hundred+gradus step]

centrifugal a.离心的 [ centrum centre+fugere flee refugee难民]

centripetal a.向心的 [ centrum centre+petere seek]

ceremonious a.隆重的;客套的 [ ceremonieux orL caerimoniosus CEREMONY典礼ceremonial 仪式的;讲究仪式的;正式的]

cessation n.中止 [ cessatiocessare CEASE]

cession n.割让 [ cession or cessiocedere cess- go away]

chaff n.粗糠;谷壳 [CHAFE 摩擦;激怒]

chaffing a.玩笑的;嘲弄的

chagrin n.烦闷;懊恼 [cha-grin,GRIN苦笑 chagined 失望的;灰心的]

chalice n.杯;圣餐杯 [ calix -icis cup]

champ v.大声地嚼 [prob. imit.]

chanty n.船夫曲;劳动号子

chaos n.混乱 [ khaos: - otic after erotic etc CHAOTIC混乱的]

charisma n.能吸引大众的非凡能力 [ kharismakharis favour, grace]

charitable a.宽大的;慈善的 [charite CHARITY 慈悲;施舍,慈善设施]

charlatan n.骗子;冒充内行者 [It ciarlatanociarlare babble 喋喋不休, 罗嗦, 唠叨]

charter n.v.执照;宪章;发特许执照 [CHARTE图表]

chary a.谨慎的;吝啬的;害羞的 [with ~ook 以谨慎的表情 He is ~ of praise (praising others) 他吝于 (不轻易) 称赞别人 She is ~ of] [strangers 她见到陌生人会害羞]

chasm n.深坑 [ khasma gaping hollow]

chassis n.汽车等之底盘 [ capsa箱]

chaste a.贞洁的;纯洁的 [ castus chastity 贞节;纯洁]

chasten v.惩戒;责罚;抑制;使缓和 [ castigare CASTIGATE惩罚 CHASTISE严厉惩罚;谴责]

chattel n.动产 [ chatel: CATTLE牛,家畜]

chauvinist n.盲目的爱国者 [Chauvin, a Napoleonic veteran in the Cogniards'Cocarde Tricolore(1831)]

checkered a.多变的 [a ~ career (life) 波折多变的人生(经历)checker 方格花纹;使呈各种颜色 The was ~ed with sunlight] [and shade 草坪上光影交错成方格图案]

chicanery n.奸计;狡猾手段 [ chicanerie CHICANE 搪塞,狡辩;欺骗]

chide v.叱责;谴责 [ cidan]

chimerical a.幻想的;荒诞的 [ khimaira she-goat, chimera(希神)吐火兽;怪物;妄想]

chiromancy n.手相术 [chiro手+mancy非科学 NACROMANCY通灵术]

chiropodist n.足科医生

chirp v.吱喳鸣出或叫出 [ earlier chirk, chirt]

choke v.使窒息 [prob confusion of the ending of artichoke with CHOKE]

choleric a.暴燥的[ kholerikos: CHOLER脾气暴躁,动肝火;胆汁,胆汁质 a man of choleric temper 脾气暴躁 (易怒)的男人

chop v.砍;突然改变方向 [choppy 波浪起伏的;多裂缝的;易变的]

chronic a.长期的;慢性的 [khronos time]

chuckle v.咯咯而笑 [CHUCK(轻扣;抛出,抛弃;中止) CLUCK(咯咯叫)]
