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discernible a.可辨别的 [discerner(DIS-, cernere cret-separate)discernment 眼光;洞察力 discern 分别,识别;找出; 识],[领悟]

discharge v.发射;免职;放电;卸货 [ descharger(DIS-, CHARGE)]

disclaim v.否认;放弃权利 [ desclaim- stressed stem of desclamer(DIS-,CLAIM)]

discomfit v.挫败;使混乱[disconfit pp. of desconfire Rmc(DIS-, conficere put together:CONFECTION)discomfiture n 失败;狼狈

disconcert v.妨碍;破坏;使张惶失措 [obs F desconcerter(DIS-, CONCERT一致)]

disconsolate a.哀伤的 [med disconsolatus(DIS-, consolatus pp. of Lconsolari console安慰)]

discordant a.不调和的;不一致的 [ part of discorder: DISCORD]

discredit v.丧失名誉

discreet a.慎重的;谨慎的[ discretus separate(DIS-, cretus pp. of cernere sift), with  sense its derivative discretio discernment 辨别;看清楚

discrete a.各别的;不关连的 [ discretus: DISCREET小心的;慎重的]

discretion n.谨慎;斟酌办理 [ discretio -onis(DISCREET小心的;慎重的)]

discursive a.散漫的;无层次的 [med discursivus discurrere discurs-(DIS-,currere run)]

disdain v.鄙视;不屑做 [ desdeign(ier)ult dedignari(DE-, dignari dignusworthy)]

disenfranchise v.剥夺...之公民权 [enfranchise给予<人>参政(选举)权解放<奴隶等>,使成为自由民;免除的法律义务]

disgruntle v.使不悦;使不满 [IS-+gruntle obs frequent of GRUNT<猪>咕噜<人>哼,喃喃发怨言 ~in discontent 不满而发哼声 give a] [~ of discontent 咕噜地抱怨]

disguise n.v.伪装;隐藏;欺骗 [ desguis(i)er(DIS-, GUISE (in a ┅~)(为欺骗人而伪装的)外 观,样子 (in the ~ of) 服装,装扮] [(under the ~ of) 假装;借口]

dishabille n.便装 [habilatory 服装的;衣服的 habilimentation 服装;衣服]

disheveled a.凌乱的;不整洁的

disinclined a.不愿的

disingenuous a.不诚恳的;虚伪的 [dis+INGENUOUS (反)innocent]

disinterested a.公正的;无私的 [pp. of disinterest(v)divest of interest]

disjointed a.脱节的;杂乱的 [DIS-, jungere junct- join)]

dislodge v.逐出;使移动;驱逐 [ dislog(i)er(DIS-, ODGE(<古法语"小屋")(暂时)住宿,投宿]

dismal a.阴暗的 [orig noun = unlucky days: dis mal med dies mali two days in each month held to be unpropitious]

dismember v.分裂;瓜分 [ desmembrer Rmc(DIS-,  membrum limb)]

disparage v.轻视;抑贬 [desparagier marry unequally(DIS-, parage equalityof rank  par equal)]

disparate a.不相干的 [ disparatus separated(DIS-, paratus pp. of parareprepare), infl in sense by  dispar unequal]

disparity n.不同;悬殊 [ disparite disparitas -tatis(DIS-,PARITY(量、质、价值等)同等,等价,等量,同率,平等 ~ of treatment] [同等待遇]

dispassionate a.冷静的;公平的

dispersion n.散布;分散 [ dispersio(DISPERSE), transl Gk diaspora:DIASPORA 犹太人的离散;离散的犹太人]

dispirited a.沮丧的;无精打采的

disport v.嬉戏;玩乐 [ OF desporter(DIS-, porter carry portare)]

disposed a.愿意;想干

disposition n.性质;气质;整理;让与 [ dispositio(DIS-, ponere posit- place)]

dispossessed a.被剥夺财产的

disputatious a.好议论的 [disputant adj&n争论者;争论的]

disquisition n.论文;专题演讲 [ disquisitio(DIS-, quaerere quaesit- seek)]

disreputable a.名誉不好的

dissection n.分析;解剖
