
: 英语巴士网英语考试TOEFL托福英语英语考试内容详情


2023-12-06 12:35:39 1

chef , cook



childish , childlike



company , firm

根据英美企业法,firm只是指partnership(合伙公司)或unincorporated business(非责任有限公司),company则可指corporation(责任有限公司)。

complement, compliment

complement: v. (使)完成、补充、补足n.补充物

compliment v. n.表扬、赞美

comprehend understand


You may comprehend every word in this passage, but you may not understand its overall meaning.

consistent ,persistent

consistent: adj.前后一致的,始终如一的

persistent: adj.坚持不懈的,锲而不舍的

constrain ,restrain




discreet. discrete, discretion

discreet /di’skrit, di’skri:t/: a. (of people or their behaviour) careful and polite, esp. in what one chooses (no) to say; showing good sense and judgement a discreet silence,opposite(反义词):indiscreet discrete /di’skrit, di’skri:t/ a. (esp. tech or fml) seperate, discontinuous

discretion: n. (1) the quality of being discreet (2) the ability to decide

what is most suitable to be done (3) at someone’discretion: according to someone’s decision (4) years of discretion: the/an age when one is considered (5) discretion is the better part of valour:

advice 忠告 air 空气 ash 灰烬 bee f牛肉

advices 消息 airs 风度、神气 ashes 骨灰 beeves 食用牛,菜牛

blue 兰色 brain 脑髓 colour 颜色 compass 罗盘

blues 烦闷,忧郁 brians 脑力 colours 旗帜 compasses 圆规

custom 习惯,风俗 damage 损害 effect 效果 copper 铜

customs 海关,关税 damages 赔偿金 effects 动产,家产coppers 铜线

fetters 囚禁,束缚 experiences 经历 foots 渣滓 force 力

fetter 脚镣 experience 经验 foot 脚 forces 军队,兵力

fund 资金 green 绿色 ground 土地 gut 肠子

funds 现金 greens 蔬菜 grounds 根据,理由 guts 内脏,内容,勇气

heaven 天国 honour 荣誉 iron 铁 letter 信,字母

heavens 天空 honours 优等成绩 irons 镣铐 letters 文学

line 行 look 脸色,看 manner 方式 minute 分钟
