
: 英语巴士网英语考试TOEFL托福英语英语考试内容详情



people know about it.
---What does the man suggest that the woman do?
29. ---With all of these typos in this resume, you are not going to make a very good impression.
---Good thing it's on the word processor.
---What will the man probably do?
30. ---I have two exams and three papers to get done in the next couple of days.
---How did it get so backed up?
---What does the woman imply about the man?

Q31-33 Radio interview with the artistic director of a dance company.
l Today's arts report betrays Dan Parker of the American Indian Dance Theater. Mr. Parker, I understand your troupe performs traditional music and dance from many different Native American cultures. Can you give us an idea of some of the dances you'll be doing in your performance tonight?
l Certainly. We'll be doing won-us-award dance. Originally it was a story telling device to recount battles. Another is the grass dance, performed by the plains Indians, where they actually flatten tall field grass to prepare it for a ceremony.
l Since your dancers are from many different tribes, how can you be sure the dances are done correctly?
l Everything we do has been approved by the elders of our tribes. That's partly because we don't necessarily know each other's styles or dances. But it's also because it's hard to get complete agreement even within the same tribe about exactly how the dance should be done.
l Anyone who attends one of your performances will notice that your company goes to a lot of trouble to provide detailed explanations of the origin of the dances, the music, the costumes and so forth. Could you explain to our listeners why you do these?
l Good question. There are always concerns that traditional dances performed in a theater are nothing more than a spectacle. Our explanations show that in our cultures, dance is ritual rather than entertainment. We also want to make it clear to our audience that we are not performing any dances used for secret ceremonies.
Q31. What is the main topic of the conversation?
Q32. What is the purpose of the interview?
Q33. Why are the dances approved by the elders of the tribes?

Q34-37 A phone conversation between two friends who are discussing a problem.
l Hello.
l Hello, Sam. This is Paula Handson. Sorry to bother you. But I'm having a small problem I thought you might be able to help me with.
l Sure, Paula. What's up?
l Well, you know Sarah and I moved into an off-campus apartment in the fall, over on the west side of town? Anyway we've been happy with it until the past couple of months.
l Yeah. What happened?
l Well, the dishwasher broke down. So we report it to Ms Connors, the owner, she said she'd take care of it. But a month went by and nothing happened.
l Did you get back in touch with her?
l I got a repairperson to give me an estimate, then I sent it to her. When I didn't hear from her, I had the repair done. And I deducted the cost from the rent check.
l So what's the problem?
l She called here mad as a hornet. She said she could have gotten the repair done for less money. Now she's threatening to evict us for not paying the full rent.
l Hold on, Paula. It does sound pretty serious. But I'm sure you can all sit down and work this out.
l Well, you are over at the law school. So I wondered if you would mind coming with Sarah and me when we go to talk to Ms. Connors. We're supposed to meet with her tomorrow night at eight.
l Sure. I haven't studied a lot about contracts yet. But I'd be glad to help you straighten things out. Why don't I stop by at about 7:30?
