
: 英语巴士网英语考试TOEFL托福英语英语考试内容详情


2023-12-06 12:35:28 9

31---35 Conversation between two students who've met on campus.

*How do you and your housemates like the co-up? I'm thinking of joining it myself.
*We like it quite a bit. We get some very fresh produce. And both staples and fair prices. But it certainly hasn't saved us time. The co-up doesn't carry everything. So we still wind up going to the supermarket too, for cleaning supplies, batteries, that sort of thing. I wish the co-up solved those items. I've been talking about it with some of the other members.
*What do members have to do? Just to pay a membership fee?
*Yeah. There's fee, and there are meetings. But attendance isn't required. But we do have to work there for an hour every week, which isn't too bad. Once you are there, you can get your shopping done.
*I wouldn't mind working there some time. You get to learn about the products. But is the food free of additives? That will be the main reason I join. I'm a convert from junk food. Until now my diets have been largely chemical additives and pesticides.
*Well, a lot of food is pure and pesticides-free. They also have vitamine supplements and soy and Toufu and that kind of thing. Lots of health food in shop there. So if any source health oriented, the co-up is.
*I'd like to try it just for a month or so. Do they have trial memberships?
*The shortest membership is one month. Then if you like it you can join for a longer periods. And it becomes cheaper. A six month membership costs as much as 5 individual months.
*Sounds pretty easy. Maybe the next time I run into you again it will be in the checkout line in the co-up.
31. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
32. What change does the woman suggesty the co-up make?
33. What is one thing the members of the co-up must do?
34. Why might the man join the co-up?
35. What is the advantage for the people who join the co-up for 6 month period?

36---39 Conversation between two students in the campus cafeteria.

*Gosh! Fred, another cup of coffee? That's your third since lunch.
*Yeah. Well, I stayed up all night cramming for my history exam. I couldn't keep my eyes open in my last class. I'm having this coffee so I can stay awake this afternoon.
*Don't you know that drinking too much coffee is harmful?
*What do you mean harmful?
*Well, for one thing it may cause heart disease.
*Nah, Most of the research about the link between coffee and the heart disease is inconclusive.
*But coffee has coffee in which is addictive.
*You can't become addicted to caffeine like other drugs.
*Yes, you can. Don't you know that people who are deprived of caffeine suffer with draw symptoms, esp. headaches.
*One cure for headaches, oddly enough, is caffeine. Haven't you ever noticed that many over-the-counter headache remedies use caffeine as one of their ingredients? Besides, coffee helps me work faster.
*Studies have shown that coffee makes you work faster but not necessarily better. You may finish your exam in a shorter period of time but you won't have fewer errors.
*You know, that soda you are drinking has caffeine in it too.
*But 12 ounces of soda has only half the caffeine of a 5 ounces cup of coffee. And a cup of tea has less than that.
*But I like the taste of coffee.
*You could drink decaf. Decaffeinated coffee doesn't have as much flavor or body as regular coffee. Besides I wants something that will keep me alert in class.
36. What is the conversation mainly about?
37. What is the man's problem?
38. What does the man say research shows about coffee?
