
: 英语巴士网英语考试TOEFL托福英语英语考试内容详情



18 woman:i feel you haven’t gotten that program to run on your computer  
yet.want me go over the instruction manual with you? 
man:that would be great. you need a Ph.D. to understand it. 
Q:What can be inferred about the man? 
19 woman:how do i get one of those green buckets everyone here puts out of  
the curb ofr paper recycling? 
man:oh,just call up the sanitation department,the’ll deliver a bucket at no  
Q:what does the man suggest the woman do? 
20 man:there’s nothing i like better to get me started in the morning than  
a big breakfast,eggs,bacon,homefried potatoes... 
woman:not me!all that fatty food will give me a stomachache.i prefer  
something light,like fruit or a yogurt. 
Q:what does the woman mean? 
21 woman:what’s the problem,paul?you really look panicked. 
man:i am speaking to a group of high school students about engineering this  
afternoon.but i have no idea how i am going to simplify some of the  
soncepts for them. 
Q:what can be infeered about the man? 
22 woman:well, i am never doing this again!seven courses in one semester is  
just too much.i don’t have a minute to myself! 
man:wlel i hate to say this,but ...i told you so. 
Q:what does the man mean? 
23 woman:do you think we can use your pickup truck to take the telescopes  
out to the field again this weekend? 
man:to be honest,i’ve got a lot of dents in my truck from the last field  
trip.maybe someone else can help out this time. 
Q:what does the man imply? 
24 man:d you think Dr.Luby will lead a theater trip to Broadway in New York  
City again this year? 
woman:i don’t think so. i know so!and i’ve already signed up for it. 
Q:what does the woman mean? 
25 woman:tomorrow we are having our first test in my history class.i’m  
really worried about it.you’ve taken one of Dr.Parker’s tests,haven’t u?i  
hear they’re impossilbe to pass. 
man:i don’t know who you’ve been talking to.my experience was just the  
Q:what does the man imply? 
26 man:i haven’t turned on my air-ocnditioner at all this summer. 
woman:that’s surprising,considering how hot it’s been lately. 
Q:what does the woman find surprising? 
27 woman:hey,congratulations on winning the essay contest.that thousand- 
dollar prize money should really come in handy. 
man:you bet!i’ve already put it aside to cover the increase my landlord  
just announced for next year. 
Q:what does the man mean? 
28 woman:you know,we never went over chapter 16 in class. what do you think  
the odds are that Dr. Bomb will include it ont he test? 
man:he’s been long to do things like that. so i wouldn’t put it past him 
Q:what does the man say about Dr.Bomb? 
29 woman:i heard that only 20% of summer jobs in this part os the country  
are advertised. the other 80% are filled some other way. 
man: relaly? then maybe i need to change my jobsearch techniques. 
Q:what can be inferred about the man? 
30 man: i don’t remember theassignmentoff hand,but i’ve got it written down  
at home.how about if i call u tonight? 
woman:if u call before nine,just leave a message with my roommate. 
Q:why will the man call the woman? 

Listen to a voncersation between two stduents in the lounge of a college  
Woman:Hi,Kaven.Your roommate told me that I could find you in the TV  
lounge. what are you doing here? 
Man:what does it looklike i am doing? 
woman:well, it looks like u are watching television.but we have a linear  
algebra mid-term tomorrow, so i thought you’d be studying for it and maybe  
i can study with you. 
man:oh,well,i was just taking a break.this linear algebra stuff gives me a  
headache if i work on it too long. 
woman:i know what you mean.i’ve been working on it for three hours through  
it already. i’m beginning to go corss.i’d been theorying at the sample  
problems. i just don’t get some of them. 
man:but i can’t believe you are coming to me.i mean you do konw what i got  
on the last test,don’t u? 
woman:yeah,i know.you told me.i just thought two heads might be better one. 
man:yeah,that’s nice idea.but...you know,i wish i knew that person in our  
class who got a hundred on the last test.she didn’t miss a  
question.umm...was it Elizabeth? 
woman:oh yeah,Elizabeth!she is a friend of mine.she’d be a big help right  
now.why don’t i give her a call? 
man:what!at this hour?it’s already ten thirty. i don’t wanna impose on her. 
woman:yeah,i guess you are right.but you know what,she owes me a big  
favor.let’s at least give her a call and see what she syas.maybe going over  
some of the problems with us wouls help her review the material. 
man:it’s worth a try. 
31 what are the speakers mainly discussing? 
32 why is the man watching television? 
33 why is the man surprised that the woman wants to study linear algebra  
with him?
