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2023-12-06 12:35:24 7

19. A: Could I look at your bus schedule? I don’t want to drive to work tomorrow if it’s snowing.

B: You would be better off calling the terminal. It’s been a long time since I’ve used my schedule and I’m sure it was out of date.

What does the woman mean?

20. A: That’s a pretty thick book. Are you sure Fram will want to plough through that?

B: Are you kidding? She’ll be through it in two days.

What does the man imply about Fram?

21. A: If I send this package third class, how long will it take to arrive?

B: About two weeks. But, hmm, many people don’t realize that first class is only a dollar fifty more and it would get there in just a few days.

What does the woman suggest the man do?

22. A: Surely, you don’t want to eat at the expensive restaurant.

B: Not much I don’t. They have the best food in town.

What does the man mean?

23. A: Like usual the lecture hall is complete mess this afternoon. Newspapers, soda cans, used issues, all of it, just thrown all over the floor. I can’t understand how people can be so thoughtless.

B: Well, your professor should have the authority to get something done about it.

What does the woman imply the man should do?

24. A: How about going on a camping trip next week with us? We are planning on hiking and canoeing in the state park.

B: That sounds great. But I’d better warn you: I’ve never been in the canoe and I am not much the swimmer either.

What does the woman mean?

25. A: I heard that the pre-turn-out for the opening of the new sculpture exhibit was a kind of disappointing.

B: I guess a lot of other people feel the way I do about modern art.

What does the woman mean?

26. A: We’d better make sure we get to the presentation early tomorrow morning. The dean said that there would be bagels and pastries in food. But I have a feeling that they are going to go quickly.

B: I guess I’ll bring my appetite.

What will the man probably do?

27. A: Isn’t it great about Ruth’s community service award?

B: She deserved it

What does the man mean?

28. A: I’m driving downtown this afternoon. I have to stop by Deluxe, the art supply store, to get some paints for my art class.

B: Deluxe? They moved to Smithville.

What does the woman mean?

29. A: You were right about the puzzle you lent me last week. It really is a challenge. I want to try to get it myself though, so I am going to work on it a little longer.

B: Well, if you get really stuck, remember, I’m only a phone call away.

What does the woman mean?

30. A: I’m new in town and I need to find a doctor. Do you know anything about Joyce Brown?

B: I’ve been going to her for years. I don’t see how you could do better.What does the man say about Dr. Brown?

Part B

Questions 31-34 Listen to a conversation in a college dormitory.

Hmm, hi.

Hi, I am going door to door tonight to tell people about the student action coalition. Do you have a few minutes?

Sure. You know, I think I read something in the newspaper last week. 

Yeah, there was an article about us since the last issue. See, we are trying to protect and conserver some of the open spaces on campus.

That’s right. You are thesgroupsthat’s opposing the extension of the parking lot next toSmith Hall, right?

That’s us. We just feel it is important to save some of the natural beauty of the campus,like Over-by Swing. Some of those trees are hundreds of years old.

It is a pretty spot. My friends and I had picnics over there by the creek.

Then you understand how we feel. We are organizing a rally on Thursday afternoon to get the administration to reconsider the parking lot plan.

Well, I have a class on Thursday afternoon.

But maybe you could sign this petition. We’re going to summit it to the administration to demonstrate how the students feel about this.

Sure, let me get a pen and I’ll sign it.
