
: 英语巴士网英语考试TOEFL托福英语英语考试内容详情


Have one’s hands full be very busy; have a challenging job 
Have a heart be compassionate ; show mercy 
Have a hunch have an intuitive feeling 
Have a word with(someone) talk to someone briefly 
Have the time of one’s life have fun; have a great of time 
Hear firsthand (from) get information directly from someone 
Hear from be contacted by; be in touch with 
Hear of know about; be familiar with 
Hit it off become friendly (especially at a first meeting) 
Hit the road leave ,go away 
Hold on wait 
Hold on (to) grasp 
Hold still not move 
Hold up delay 
In hot water in trouble 
In the dark not knowing ;confused 
In the long run over a long period of time 
In no time very soon; very quickly 
In a nutshell in summary; in brief 
In the same boat in the same situation; having the same problem 
In person face to face (not by telephone, letter, etc.) 
In store in the future; coming up 
Iron out solve (a problem) 
Join the club have the same problem 
Jump to conclusions form opinions without sufficient evidence 
Keep an eye on watch ; take care of ; look after 
Keep an eye out (for) look for 
Keep on (with) continue 
Keep track of know where something or someone is 
Keep up (with) maintain the same speed as 
Kill time spend time doing unimportant things (before an appointment ,for example) 
Know like the back of one’s hand be very familiar with 
Lay off put out of work 
Learn the ropes become familiar with ; get used to ; get the hang of 
Leave out not include; omit 
Leave someone/something alone not disturb 
Let someone down disappoint 
Let up decline in intensity (rain, for example) 
Look after take care of ; mind 
Look for try to locate 
Look forward to anticipate(with pleasure) 
Look into investigate 
Look like resemble 
Look out(for) be careful 
Look over examine; read 
Look up (1)find information (especially in a reference book); (2) try to locate someone 
Look up to respect; admire 
Make ends meet balance a budget 
Make a fool of oneself act embarrassingly 
Make a point of make a special effort 
Make sense(of) be logical and clear; understand 
Make up invent, create 
Make up one’s mind decide 
Make way for allow space for; provide a path for 
Mean to intend to 
Mixed up confused 
Music to one’s ears something that sounds pleasant 
A nervous wreck someone who is very nervous 
Next to nothing very little( money, for example); cheap 
No doubt about it certainly; definitely 
No harm done there was no damage done 
Not at all not in any way; not to an degree 
Not believe one’s ears( or eyes) be unable to believe what one hears (or sees) 
Not think much of not like; not have a good opinion of 
Odds and ends small ,miscellaneous items 
An old hand (at) an experienced person 
On edge nervous 
On end consecutively, without a break (days on end, for example) 
On hand easily available 
On needles and pins nervous ;anxious 
On one’s own independent 
On second thought after reconsidering 
On the go always busy; always moving 
On the tip of one’s tongue almost able to remember 
On the whole in general 
Out of (something) not having something 
Out of one’s mind insane; illogical; irrational 
Out of order broken; not functioning properly 
Out of the question definitely not ; impossible 
Over and over again and again ; repeatedly 
Over one’s head not understandable (a joke, for example); obscure 
Part with no longer have; get rid of; not be in the company of 
Pass up not accept; not choose 
Pass with flying colors do very well(on a test) 
Pat oneself on the back congratulate oneself 
Pay attention to concentrate on; focus on 
Pick out choose; select 
Pick up (1) take something from a surface(for example, a floor); (2) go to a location and get someone or something; (3) learn(specially without formal training) 
Pick up the tab (for) pay for 
The picture of a perfect example of something 
Play it by ear do something without a definite plan 
Play it safe choose a cautious plan 
Point out indicate 
A pretty penny a lot of money 
Pull one’s leg joke with someone; make up a story 
Push one’s luck to continue doing something too long ; to keep taking chances 
Put aside save for later; set aside 
Put away return something to its proper place 
Put off delay; postpone 
Put on begin to wear 
Put together assemble 
Put up with tolerate 
Right away immediately 
Ring a bell(with) sound familiar to 
Rough it experience somewhat difficult or primitive conditions 
Rule out say something is impossible ;eliminate 
Run a temperature have a fever 
Run for office try to get elected 
Run into (1)meet unexpectedly; bump into; (2) collide with 
Run late be late ; be in a hurry 
Run of the mill ordinary 
Run out of exhaust the supply of 
Save one’s breath don’t bother asking someone 
Search me I don’t know; I have no idea; beats me 
See eye to eye (with someone) (on something) have the same opinion; be in agreement 
See (someone) off accompany(to an airport or train station, for example) 
See to take care of ; check on; fix
