
: 英语巴士网英语考试TOEFL托福英语英语考试内容详情


2023-12-06 12:35:18 12


account for 解释,说明,占···比例
a close contest 势均力敌的竞赛
adress to sb. 对···的讲话
ahead of schedule/time 提前
approach sb 和···说话
as a rule 通常
as fit as fiddle 非常健康
at(the) most 至多 
back up 支持
beat arount/about the bush 说话拐弯抹角
be better of (感觉)会好一些
be cut of 切断 (电话) 
be cut out for 适合于
be cut out to be 生来是···的材料
be fid up with 对···厌倦
be header and shoulder above 高人一等
be in good shape 健康状况良好
be in rush 匆匆忙忙
be laid up 卧床不起
be lost in thought 沉思
be out of one’s mind 疯了
be out of something 不再有···支持
be on one’s own 独处时
be packed in like sardines 极的水泄不通
be scheduled to do sth. 计划做
be sold out 卖完,背叛
be seuck in traffic jam 遇交通阻车
booth 单间 (phone booth 电话亭) 
branth off 分支出去
branch out 扩张到
break down (机器)抛锚,精神崩溃
break in 打断讲话
break in new ground 重新开始
break off 终止,停止
break up 解散(团体,组织)粉碎
bring about 引起
bring out 显出,发表,说明
brush up on 温习

call for 要求
call it in day 今天到此为止
call off 取消
call on 拜访
call up/ring up 打电话
care for 喜欢
cash a check 将支票兑成现金
catch one’s eye 吸引某人视线
charge it in my account 记在我的帐上
check in 登记
check out (结帐)后离开,(办完手续)借出书
cheer sb. on 为某人加油 
cheer up 感到振奋
clean up 彻底清扫
come about 发生
come across 碰见
come by 获得
come down with 因···病倒
come out 出现
come to 苏醒
come up with 想出(主意,想法)赶上,提出
consult with 与···商量
cool off (温度)降下来
conldn’t be batter 再好不过了
count me in 算我一个
count me out 别算我在内
count the days 迫不及待
cross off 划掉
cut down to 削减
cut in 打断讲话
cut off 切断

day in and day out 连续几天 
den 住处
die down 变弱, 逐渐停止
die out 消失
do away with/get rid of 去掉
dont’t care about 不在乎
don’t care for 不喜欢
do the trick 获得成功
do wonder 创造出奇迹
downpower 倾盆大雨
doze off 困倦
drop by 顺便拜访
dorp out 放弃,离开
drop out of 退学
drop sb. off 带某人倒某处
due 到期
every other 每隔, 所有其他

face the fact 面对事实
face up to 面对,承认
fall(lag)behind 落后
facey hotal 豪华饭店
few and far between 寥寥无几
fell likeing do sth. 喜欢···
field trip 野外实习/考察
figure out 理解,想办法,打算
fill out(in) a form 填表
fill sb. in 替某人值班
