1、论文 -题目难定(太大)too broad a topic -资料难查(太多)too much material to cover -多找教授(时间) -打字困难(机房)机少人多,想买机 2、笔记 -考笔记be based on the lecture/notes -字难认make out/recognize handwriting 3、考试 -永远难was supposed to be easy -不推迟put it off, hold off, delay, postpone -分数低:及格passing grade,不及格failing grade,好分数perfect grade -心里不好受down take-home exam开卷考试,workshop研讨会, seminar研究会 4、评价教授 -小对话中(不好),段子题中(好) -不迟到punctual/prompt,不早退,常拖堂run over time/late, -要求严,出题难,给分低 听不懂:be lost/be all at sea/in the dark 听懂:figure out/make sense/catch/follow words 打瞌睡:drop off/doze off, keep watching the clock, keep counting the time. 5、作业 -作业多:I've had enough of it.(I'll never have enough of it.高兴语气) have one's hands full, be tied up, be booked, be up to one's eyes/ears/neck with work. Have a million things to do. Study 48 hours in a day. -想迟交,不迟交:交作业hand in/ turn in, 迟交extension, 多给时间extra/more time 6、熬夜 -常熬夜:sit up, stay doing sth -不熬夜 get out of it, wise 7、书店 -有货没货in stock/ out of stock -印,不印in /out of print -过时out-dated, 最新的updated/current -平装paper back,精装hard back 8、图书馆 -还书:recall a book, library loan, 续借renew, 传记作者biographer, 微缩胶片 microfiche -罚钱verdue, late return, fine , moratorium(暂停,推迟) 9、电话 -定主题,听语气,背套话 电话号码本:yellow pages, telephone directory,干扰static,接通put through 占着电话tie up, be off下线断线,过会打给你get back to sb. 10、选课 -先学入门课intro/basic/prerequisite,再学高级课,教授得同意approval/permission/signiture -三大顾虑:too much, too difficult, intro course -课程难,心情不好 -少选明智,多选犯傻,时刻准备退课drop